Standard 3.0 inp-p Displacement *Only for A30, A45, A65, A74. A-series has a displacement of 76.2 mmp-p (3-inch stroke), and offers a good balance of velocity, acceleration, and displacement within its specifications.
good balance within the specifications for velocity, acceleration and displacement. It also provides a maximum of 138 in/s shock velocity testing, which responds to the demand in lithium battery testing. A series supports rapid creation of tests from a set of pre-defined templates conforming to most international test standards.
A74/EM10HAM/H6-H8/C - IMV株式会社
振動試験の問題に直面したらまずご相談ください。 試験に合格できなかった場合の対策なども支援します。 A74/EM10HAM/H6-H8/C 水平テーブル付単軸動電式複合振動試験装置 振動発生機(加振機) 本体可動部 水平補助テーブル ネジパターン 600 × 600 水平補助テーブル ネジパターン 800 × 800 ...
Expansion of test cases and Greater security and functionality with Intuitive interface guides the responses to high spec. tests allow improved energy savings. operator for easy use. the A-series to meet a wide range of testing needs. *1 Random force ratings are specified in accordance with ISO5344 conditions.
series is the “new standard” in vibration testing, with a solid test performance. series increases the relative excitation force and has a displacement of 76.2 mmp-p (3 inch stroke) which gives good balance between specification of velocity, acceleration and displacement.
IMV A74 Series - Air cooled Vibration Test Systems - ELSTAR
It also provides a maximum of 3.5 m/s shock velocity testing, which responds to the demand in lithium battery testing. Rapid creation of a test from a set of pre-defined templates conforming to most international test standards. Simply select the …
IMV-Smart™ technology incorporates advanced, automatic energy savings, high performance, and a protected test environment. A-series provides a better working environment for vibration testing.
good balance within the specifications for velocity, acceleration and displacement. It also provides a maximum of 138 in/s shock velocity testing, which responds to the demand in lithium battery testing. A series supports rapid creation of tests from a set of pre-defined templates conforming to most international test standards.
Shaker IMV A74 74kN - Groupe 6NAPSE - triasrnd.com
The Shaker IMV A74 for vibration and mechanical shock testing of payloads up to 1000 kg. It has peak sine force ratings of 74 kN and possibility to couple with climatic chamber (-70°C to 170°C / Hygrometry controllable up to 95%).
A74/EM8HAM Chamber Combined Vibration and Shock Test System Features Frequency Range (Hz) Rated Force Maximum A...