Free Download: CT Guide Head and Spine - IMV Imaging
A quick reference for performing contrast studies, including post-contrast scan timings. Veterinary CT Head & Spine Improve your canine Veterinary CT imaging techniques with our free guide. By IMV Imaging.
Small Animal X-ray | Veterinary x-ray | IMV Imaging
Free Download: IMV Imaging offers a free download of a small animal x-ray positioning guide. Improve your veterinary x-ray skills with expert resources & real-life examples. Small Animal X-ray Positioning Guide
Free Download: IMV Endoscope and Accessories Guide
It outlines the specifications of our endoscopes and provides clear recommendations on which instruments to use for each specific task, ensuring you have the right tools for each procedure every time.
Download the IMV Go Scan app from Google Play or the App store. You are likely to be prompted for a scanner software update on first time use. Please see Scanner
within the IMV imaging academy on the IMV imaging website. All IMV imaging X-ray DR systems come with easy to use veterinary dedicated software and unrivalled, world class, personalised online remote customer support, view our range of systems and …
Bovine Reproduction Ultrasound guide - IMV Technology Global
Detailed guide on bovine reproduction using ultrasound. Enhance your knowledge with our free downloadable guide.
Evaluation of the bovine reproductive tract is an essential aspect of both beef and dairy herd management. Transrectal ultrasonography allows the visualization and evaluation of the ovaries, uterus, and surrounding structures. This information can help. guide clinical decision making and improve herd eficiency and productivity.
Download the IMV Go Scan app from Google Play or the App store. You are likely to be prompted for a scanner software update on first time use. Please see Scanner
Chapter4 Vibration Technical Guide - IMV CORPORATION
Vibration means the state of an object moving repetitively back/forward, right/ left or up/down and is generally expressed by Frequency, Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration. These 4 elements are generally denoted as F, D,V,A. This is illustrated simply as a spring and mass.
Utilising the Integrated Motivational Volitional (IMV) model to guide …
2022年8月4日 · (1) To understand the IMV model and the factors associated with suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour. (2) To understand how core CBT skills and interventions can address these factors. (3) To support CBT practitioners in using their current CBT knowledge and skills in the service of reducing the risk of suicidal behaviour.