IMVU - Elven Hideout
Old world construction meets elven elegance with the antique library, a collection which also includes secure cabinets for storing sacred texts. The lovely elven candle arch is an ancient piece of elven art sure to brighten up any corner of the tavern.
IMVU Product: Elven by iStag
This product is provided by a third-party seller, iStag, who has warranted that they have all appropriate rights to any content involved. IMVU takes copyright infringment seriously. To learn more about our policy, including takedown procedures, please click here.
IMVU produkt: Elven Silver and Ruby af Xenagabby
Dette produkt leveres af en tredjepart sælger, Xenagabby, der har berettiget, at de har alle nødvendige rettigheder til de involverede indhold. IMVU tager copyright overtrædelse alvorligt. Hvis du vil vide mere om vores politik, herunder takedown procedurer klik venligst her. For mere om IMVU Designer programmet, som gør dig istand til at skabe produkter til salg i IMVU kataloget, klik ...
IMVU Product: [Is] Elven Priestess Drv by Ismeny
For more on the IMVU Creator program, which lets you create items for sale in the IMVU catalog, please click here. There are currently no product reviews. (New reviews will appear within 15 minutes.) * You must own this product to write a review.
IMVU Product: Rainbow Elven Bow/Arrow by xKristyFireWolfx
This product is provided by a third-party seller, xKristyFireWolfx, who has warranted that they have all appropriate rights to any content involved. IMVU takes copyright infringment seriously. To learn more about our policy, including takedown procedures, please click here.
Eleven : 3D Chat Rooms - imvu.com
Welcome to the Eleven 3D chat room. Users like to chat and dress up their avatars, decorate their rooms, chat about their interests, listen to music, and have fun!!
Producto IMVU: Elven Elegance por DomiZianna
IMVU toma la infracción de derechos de autor muy en serio. Para saber más sobre nuestra política, incluyendo los prodedimientos de eliminación, favor de presionar aquí . Para más información sobre el Programa del IMVU Creator, el cual te permite crear artículos para la venta en el IMVU catalog, favor de presiona aquí .
IMVU produkt: Elven Mage Cutout af Stile
Dette produkt leveres af en tredjepart sælger, Stile, der har berettiget, at de har alle nødvendige rettigheder til de involverede indhold. IMVU tager copyright overtrædelse alvorligt. Hvis du vil vide mere om vores politik, herunder takedown procedurer klik venligst her. For mere om IMVU Designer programmet, som gør dig istand til at skabe produkter til salg i IMVU kataloget, klik ...
IMVU Catalog: Browsing Elven Lord
IMVU Home > Catalog > Clothing for Female > Female Hairstyles > Elven Lord Search Catalog Within: All Products Elven Lord Products by Creator Product ID My Wishlist (0)
IMVU Product: -Ith- Elven Bench by Ithilieth
This product is provided by a third-party seller, Ithilieth, who has warranted that they have all appropriate rights to any content involved. IMVU takes copyright infringment seriously. To learn more about our policy, including takedown procedures, please click here.