IMEX 1 24 18 72 XL DISPLAY [IMX2514] - HobbyTown
2018年1月24日 · This is a Clear Plastic Display Case with Black Base by IMEX Model Company for Multiple Display Types and Scale Models. COMMENTS: Model on box not included. sdw 4/9/01 ir/jl. This product was added to our catalog on September 8, 2019.
1/18-1/25 Scale Auto Showcase (Black Base) - Hobbylinc
This is the 1/18-1/25 Scale Auto Showcase with Black Base from Imex. (12.44 x10.87 x5.32''). I am using this product for 1/24 scale car models. I am able to put more than one in a case. They are easy to clean and fit on my shelf nicely. Splendid product. This is the perfect size for a project that I have made multiples of over time.
- 评论数: 14
Imex 2514 1:24 Military Plastic Display Case with Black Base
This is Imex 2514 1/24-18-72 XL Display. Display case with black base (12-5/8" long x 11" wide x 5-7/8" high). Stackable case with clear base for easy, dust-free display. Injection molded of highest quality, clear polystyrene. Its key features are: Suitable for aircraft (1/48 & 1/72 scale), automobile (1/18 & 1/25 scale), military (1/35 scale)
Military Display Case/Black Base - Emery Distributors
Founded in 1962 as Tri-County Distributors, the company has grown into Emery Distributors. A family owned, strictly wholesale, hobby distributorship that came out of our experiences growing up in our father’s hobby shop.
全画幅微单相机索尼CMOS型号收集 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
速度型的CMOS,给友商也是差一点的 IMX309,代表机型是尼康Nikon D850、Nikon Z 7、Nikon Z 7 II等等。 尼康本来也有CMOS研发能力的,不过现在是早不如买了。 但是呢,尼康和索尼是深度合作,光学还是尼康把持的,镀膜技术很稳哦。 索尼的优势就是近水楼台先得月,优秀的CMOS总是自家alpha系列先使用。 玲玲就说 IMX451 吧,只有索尼的Sony α7 IV在使用。 尼康会跟进的,就是不知道哪个型号会用上呢? 或许是Nikon Z6 III吧,上两代都是 IMX410,缝缝补 …
imx094与imx251这么多年了依旧是宽容度最高的135底【单反吧】_ …
imx251是a7r2和a99m2的那块底吧,拍照画质一点都不差,至今都是第一梯队级别的。 对光子的利用率已经快到物理极限了,动态范围几乎不可能提升了,想要更好的静态画质只能靠更大的画幅了。 同一画幅下,静态画质没法提升,只能往速度方向了。 所以现在买个850可以当传家宝,微单体积小,又有五轴防抖,应该没有静态画质能超过850的机子了. 全画幅已达到光学极限,就算做出更好的底子,镜头分辨率也已经榨干了…a7r4就是例子,下一步只能往更大画幅发展了… 两 …
IMX571是APS-C画幅传感器,规格是26MP@16FPS,用了SI、8通道SLVS-EC,SLVS-EC是Scalable Low Voltage Signaling Embedded Clock的简写,是索尼今年开发串行总线,每一个通道拥有独立的时针,单个通道带宽为2.3Gbps,远高于MIPI的1.44Gbps或是Sub …
Sony IMX214 - 百度百科
IMX214是业界第一款支持全片1300万像素每秒30帧高动态范围(HDR)输出的传感器,同时也是索尼第一款支持索尼独家的分区高动态范围曝光(SME-HDR)的移动终端用 CMOS传感器 [1]。 索尼IMX214相对于前一代的IMX135,采用了更先进的工艺,低光表现、功耗和拍照速度等方面都有显著提升,全高清1080P拍摄帧率从30帧每秒提高到了60帧每秒,增加了4K摄像(每秒30帧),并使用了最新的分区高动态范围曝光(SME-HDR) [2]。 ※注:粗体标识为IMX135 …
Porting USB2514 USB HUB on U-BOOT - NXP Community
Does any one experience porting USB2514 USB HUB on U-BOOT? 01-20-2016 08:34 PM. Hi Eric. seems this hub is used on sabrelite board. https://boundarydevices.com/sabre_lite-revD.pdf. and one can look at its BSP: https://github.com/boundarydevices/linux-imx6/blob/boundary-imx_3.14.28_1.0.0_ga/arch/arm/boot/dts/i... Best regards. igor.
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