Immutable X | Optimized game-specific ZK-rollup
Immutable X is built for games that prioritize high performance and low cost over advanced Web3 game mechanics, while still maintaining the underlying security of Ethereum. Zero cost. Massive scale. Mint, transfer, and trade without paying any gas fees to develop a planet-scale game.
Immutable | Powering The Next Generation Of Web3 Games
Build with unmatched speed, scale, and flexibility using Immutable’s simple, end-to-end Web3 solutions. Fuel your game's growth and captivate players like never before. Immerse yourself in an uncharted world of Web3 gaming, where creativity and innovation collide.
Immutable X Price | IMX Price, Charts - Crypto.com
Immutable X is Ethereum’s first Layer-2 scaling solution for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), offering immediate trading, scalability, and zero gas costs for minting and trading — all without jeopardising user or asset security.
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem
The CDM-750 accommodates the most demanding Internet Service Provider (ISP) and telco backhaul links by offering users the most advanced combination of space segment saving capabilities while minimizing the need for unnecessary overhead. With the ability to process packets at line speed, the CDM-750 will not throttle throughput due to
一篇文章彻底搞懂CDM(码分复用) - CSDN博客
2024年4月10日 · CDM(Code Division Multiplexing,码分多址)是一种通信技术,主要应用于无线通信系统,如早期的2G和3G网络。 在 CDMA 系统中,多个用户的 信号 在同一频率上进行传输,通过不同的编码序列区分不同的用户 信号 ,实现 多址 ...
基于linux5.15.5的IMX 参考手册 --- 5 - CSDN博客
2023年2月4日 · 本文从nxp官网下载firmware-imx固件包并解压生成相关固件文件,该固件文件用于imx-mkimage工具合成uboot镜像文件使用。本文件所下载的firmware-imx的固件包版本为V8.18版本,如果下载其他版本,可能存在解压后的文件差异,请注意。
nxp-imx/imx-sm: System Manager firmware for i.MX processors - GitHub
The System Manager (SM) is an application that runs on a Cortex-M processor on many NXP i.MX processors. The Cortex-M is the boot core, runs the boot ROM which loads the SM (and other boot code), and then branches to the SM. The SM then configures some aspects of the hardware such as isolation mechanisms and then starts other cores in the system.
nxp-imx/imx-test: i.MX Unit Test Application Software - GitHub
i.MX Unit Test Application Software. Contribute to nxp-imx/imx-test development by creating an account on GitHub.
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem is Ideal for optimizing satellite communications, the CDM-570 and the CDM-570L are designed to meet the needs of low-cost terminals with 70/140 MHz interfaces to conventional Up & Down Converters, or L-Band interfaces to Low Noise Block Converters (LNBs) and Block Up Converters (BUCs).
索尼IMX系列图像传感器技术分析 - MEMS/传感技术 - 电子发烧友网
2022年12月26日 · 随后,Sony推出了目前第四代全新CMOS芯片系列中的初代 产品 ——IMX系列,该系列显著提升了动态范围,当时引起了市场轰动。 IMX系列初代芯片优势: a.可缩短曝光时间; b.可选择在图像处理过程中所需的触发和读出选项,并支持以出色的质量来采集图像; c.成像质量超过同价位的其他竞品芯片。 IMX芯片之所以具备高成像质量,原因之一是Sony采用了一项名为Exmor的特殊技术。 借助该技术,在读出像素时,芯片记录的降噪 模拟 信号 可直接转换为 …