INA217 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 INA217 是一款 低噪声、低失真仪表放大器,SSM2017 替代产品。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
INA217 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The INA217 device provides near-theoretical noise performance for 200-Ω source impedance. The INA217 device features differential input, low noise, and low distortion that provides superior performance in professional microphone amplifier applications.
The INA217 device is a low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Current-feedback circuitry allows the INA217 device to achieve wide bandwidth and excellent dynamic response over a wide range of gain. The INA217 device is ideal for low-level audio signals such as balanced low-impedance microphones.
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INA217 Datasheet (PDF) - Texas Instruments
Description: Low-Noise, Low-Distortion INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER Replacement for SSM2017. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments.
INA217 產品規格表、產品資訊與支援 | TI.com - Texas Instruments
TI 的 INA217 為 低雜訊、低失真儀表放大器,適用於 SSM2017 更換。 尋找參數、訂購和品質資訊.
INA217 | 购买 TI 器件 - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The INA217 device is a low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Current-feedback circuitry allows the INA217 device to achieve wide bandwidth and excellent dynamic response over a wide range of gain. The INA217 device is ideal for low-level audio signals such as balanced low-impedance microphones.
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INA217 Datasheet by Texas Instruments - Digi-Key Electronics
The INA217 is a classical three-amp instrumentation amplifier designed for audio applications. Featuring low noise and low distortion the INA217 is ideally suited for amplifying low level audio signals.
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INA217器件是一款低噪声,低失真,单片式仪表放大器。 电流反馈电路使INA217器件能够在很宽的增益范围内实现宽带宽和出色的动态响应。 INA217器件非常适用于低电平音频信号,如平衡低阻抗麦克风。 许多工业,仪器仪表和医疗应用也受益于其低噪声和宽带宽。 独特的失真消除电路可将失真降至极低水平,即使在高增益时也是如此。 INA217器件可为200Ω源阻抗提供接近理论噪声性能。 INA217器件具有差分输入,低噪声和低失真特性,可在专业麦克风放大器应用中提 …