math - How to use nan and inf in C? - Stack Overflow
2009年12月18日 · There is no compiler independent way of doing this, as neither the C (nor the C++) standards say that the floating point math types must support NAN or INF. Edit: I just checked the wording of the C++ standard, and it says that these functions (members of the templated class numeric_limits):
Setting an int to Infinity in C++ - Stack Overflow
2011年12月31日 · I have an int a that needs to be equal to "infinity". This means that if int b = anyValue; a>b is always true. Is there any feature of C++ that could make this possible?
c - Check if a number is +-Inf or NaN - Stack Overflow
2016年3月22日 · EDIT: Since you don't want to use (or cannot use) <math.h>, you could use other properties of nan and inf to classify your numers: nan compares false to all numbers, including to itself; inf is greater than FLT_MAX;-inf is smaller than -FLT_MAX. So:
c - Program returning inf? - Stack Overflow
2014年8月30日 · WRT initialization: in C and many other languages, a variable is just a memory location of the appropriate size. If the variable is not initialized, the variable simply contains the data that was there when the memory location was reserved. That data can be any bit pattern left there from previous use of that same memory location. –
How to check for inf (and | or) NaN in a double variable
When I pass 0 and 0 as arguments, it outputs dRes = inf. But I was expecting dRes = NaN or something like that. Is NaN representable in double variables? For that matter, any variable? When I changed the data type of d1,d2,dRes to int and passed 0 and 0, I got a Floating exception. What is the difference?
C++ function returning 'inf' instead of double - Stack Overflow
2015年9月15日 · inf is a special floating point value, arising, for example, from division over zero. The latter indeed happens in your program: when n reaches zero, your loop still continues and you try to divide 1.0 over zero. Change your loop to while (n>0).
How to make infinity value in C? (especially integer value)
2018年9月12日 · i made weight directed graph, just like this. 6 0 3 4 infinity infinity infinity infinity 0 infinity 7 infinity infinity infinity 3 0 5 11 infinity infinity infinity infinity 0 6 3 infinity infinity infinity infinity 0 4 infinity infinity infinity infinity infinity 0
How do you check for infinite and indeterminate values in C++?
2016年2月15日 · In C++, infinity is represented by 1.#INF. Indeterminate is represented by -1.#IND. The problem is how to test if a variable is infinite or indeterminate. Checking infinity is relatively straightforward: You find the infinity definition in your particular C++. For my case (VS2003), it is std::numeric_limits::infinity().
supremum and infimum - What does the notation inf{...} mean ...
2018年7月21日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What do 1.#INF00, -1.#IND00 and -1.#IND mean? - Stack Overflow
Debugging 1.#IND, 1.#INF, nan, and inf. If your operation would generate a larger positive number than could be stored in a double, the operation will return 1.#INF on Windows or inf on Linux. Similarly your code will return -1.#INF or -inf if the result would be a negative number too large to store in a double.