INK4 - Wikipedia
INK4 is a family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs). The members of this family (p16 INK4a, p15 INK4b, p18 INK4c, p19 INK4d) are inhibitors of CDK4 (hence their name IN …
CDKN2A/p16INK4a (CDKN2A)靶点介绍及实验小贴士| Abcam中文 …
P16INK4a (p16)是一种周期蛋白依赖的激酶抑制剂,通过抑制CDK4/6来阻断E2F转录因子的激活,负调控正常细胞的增殖。 INK4周期素依赖性激酶抑制剂家族成员包括 p16 INK4A、p15 …
p16ink4a基因分子生物学研究进展 张毅彬 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
【摘要】 抑癌基因 p16ink4a在特异地抑制 CDK4及CDK6在控制细胞生长、 抑制肿瘤发生、 促进细胞衰老等方面发挥关键生物学作用, 该基因失活后造成了细胞周期调控失常,使得细胞异常增 …
INK4a/ARF抑癌基因 - 百度学术
INK4a/ARF( inhibitor of CDK4/ alternative reading frame)基因可同时调控这两条控制细胞增殖和凋亡的通路,它编码两种蛋白: p16INK4a,一种细胞周期素依赖蛋白激酶抑制蛋白 (CKI),可以上调 …
p16 - Wikipedia
p16 (also known as p16 INK4a, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A, CDKN2A, multiple tumor suppressor 1 and numerous other synonyms), is a protein that slows cell division by slowing …
p16 Ink4a overexpression in cancer: a tumor suppressor gene
2011年2月7日 · p16 Ink4a is a protein involved in regulation of the cell cycle. Currently, p16 Ink4a is considered a tumor suppressor protein because of its physiological role and downregulated …
The INK4a/ARF network in tumour suppression - Nature
2001年10月1日 · The human INK4a/ARF locus encodes two distinct tumour-suppressor proteins — p16 INK4a and p14 AR F (p19 Arf in the mouse) — in part, through the utilization of …
Ink4a-Arf的肿瘤抑制---文献抄读 - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
[摘要]基因Ink4a-Arf所在区域的二个表达产物, 既p16 (Ink4a) 和p19 (Arf) (在人类称p14 (ARF)), 是调控Rb蛋白和p53蛋白转录活性的强大肿瘤抑制者。 这些蛋白质是细胞内信号传导媒体之 …
P16INK4A—More Than a Senescence Marker - PMC
P16 INK4A is a tumor suppressor and cell cycle regulator that has been linked to aging and senescence. Extensive research has revealed that p16 expression is significantly increased in …
INK4a / ARF : A multifunctional tumor suppressor locus
2005年8月25日 · The INK4a/ARF locus encodes two physically linked tumor suppressor proteins, p16 INK4a and ARF, which regulate the RB and p53 pathways, respectively. The unusual …