What are 9w1 INTPs like in comparison to 5w4 INTPs?
2017年8月6日 · The Phmegmatic variant would be 9, but a 1 wing would also likely go with the J-ishness. So a 9w1 INTP would be similar to a 9w1 ISFJ, but not as much to other ISFJ's. I think the SJ (as a kind of Melancholic) can also match 5, so I would think the 5w4 INTP might be more like the ISFJ, where the 9w1 would be a bit closer to the stereotypical INTP.
INTP 9w1 Careers - Personality Cafe
2011年3月11日 · The combination of the two, unfortunately doesn't seem to leave many options, as the INTP seems to be best suited to highly analytical jobs, that are potentially very high stress (lawyer, psychologist, etc.), while the 9w1 is all about "dead end" jobs, that seem to have no real challenge whatsoever (retail sales clerk, waitress, etc.).
9w1 INTPs? | Personality Cafe
2013年5月28日 · So, I just took an Enneagram test, and the result was 9w1. After reading the description, along with a few other "near miss" possibilities, I am quite confident it is correct. However, what is interesting is that 9w1 INTPs tend to be a bit rare. Apparently it is more common of INFJs. Any 9w1 INTPs here? Anything to add to my thoughts?
[Type 9] - What are INTP 9s like? - Typology Central
2010年4月1日 · INTP 9s would be easily confused with feelers, were it not for their extreme social awkwardness. I've lived with one for around 5 years, a 9w1 sp/sx. He's very smart, but has a hard time applying that. He has issues with anxiety, and definitely is …
What Enneatypes are most compatible with 9w1? | Personality Cafe
2017年3月1日 · SX/SO 9w1. The people that are closest to me are self-typed SX-dom (9s and 7s), or are intellectually developed and open-minded to different perspectives and cultures. I don't mingle well with those who are prejudiced, judgmental, superficial, or materialistic. My girlfriend is currently SX5 (INTP) and ex is SX4 (INFP).
INTP 9w1 | Personality Cafe
2022年7月8日 · I'm an xNTP 9w1, but I think my tritype is 954, so I'm a number off 964. I can see how people mistake me for IxFJ or INFP. The way I see the world, I divide it into 2 parts, the internal world and the external world. My internal world is clearly Ti-Ne. I build logically consistent models of both the internal and external world.
ISFP/INTP relationship? - Personality Cafe
2009年7月2日 · The other INTP I've become close to over the years seems to feel the same way. It makes me wonder if despite my parents love for each other, maybe the pairing (INTP/ISFP) isn't exactly ideal. It doesn't seem like it would be stimulating to an INTP the way and INTP would need to be stimulated.
Am I Enneagram 9w1 or 9w8? | Personality Cafe
2015年7月17日 · MBTI: INTP I'm hoping I can dissect the line between my INTPness and Enneagram 9ness without them mixing up. INTPs and 9s are both very lazy. INTPs and 9s are both non-confrontational. INTPs and 9s are both indecisive. INTPs and 9s are both mentally thick skinned. Why I think I'm 9w1-Perfectionist and critical.
What MBTI type do you associate with each enneagram?
2017年2月4日 · 9w1: INTP-----Other way around, top three enneagram types (not tritypes) I associate with each MBTI. ...
[Type 9] - INTP self typing as 9w5 - Typology Central
2016年8月21日 · 9w1 core with 125 tri isn't a valid combination. Tritypes are composed of one type from each "center": Heart (2,3,4), Head (5,6,7), and Body/Gut (8,9,1). One of those centers and the associated type is then dubbed the "core" type. If you ID as 9w1 core then the system, as it is most widely defined, forces you to have a tri of XX9.