Branding and Logos - International Ocean Drilling Programme
IODP 3 logos are made available for download for use in publications, presentations and webpages. Please use only the official image files available below. Three versions of each …
Logos and maps - ECORD: European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling
ECORD and IODP logos have to be used without any alteration and can be reduced no smaller than 3 cm accross for print applications and 150 pixels accross for web or electronic …
IODP Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector) - Brandfetch
Find the IODP style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
IODP - serc.carleton.edu
IODP . Image 192234 is a 135 by 339 pixel PNG Uploaded: Aug21 18. Last Modified: 2018-08-21 16:02:24 Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/192234/iodp.png
icdp for media - icdp-online.org
ICDP-funded scientific drilling projects address fundamental questions of outstanding societal relevance and interest such as sustainable georesources, environmental change, and natural …
IODP Publications • Author Guidelines and Templates • Program Logos
The IODP logo uses the Pantone 307PC blue color. The font type, relative point size, or colors cannot be changed. Logo elements cannot be used separately (e.g., top from bottom). The …
Access career-defining opportunities to explore the Earth via international scientific drilling expeditions and projects, and previously-collected data and cores. Enhance your skills and …
[SDAB-322]青春时代没了!扛起新招牌的是那津乃千奈美(那津乃 …
2024年12月10日 · iodp公开征集钻探建议书以及岩芯、数据深化研究项目建议书 “大洋钻探岩芯与数据资源深化研究项目”(leaps)公开征集科学建议书通知; 国际大洋发现计划公开征集科学 …
International Ocean Drilling Programme | IODP3
International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3), a global initiative recovering seafloor data and monitoring subseafloor environments.
IODP Announcements
IODP concluded in 2024 after eleven successful years of enabling the study of the subseafloor. Please visit the Expedition Schedule to learn more about IODP's past expeditions, and the …