Sample size for your Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA ...
2022年10月24日 · Learn about sample size for your Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and how to argue for an optimum sample size for your study
Clarke (2010) stipulated that three is the default sample size for undergraduate or Masters-level IPA study, whereas 4-10 is advised for professional doctorates. It has even been argued that a single participant study could be justified, providing they can generate a particularly rich or compelling case (Smith, 2004).
How many interviews is a typical IPA qualitative study
Sample sizes are typically small (e.g. 5-6) as richness and depth are key. The sample should be homogenous so that you can draw on shared experiences across the group.
Methods: Interpretative phenomenological analysis - BPS
2011年10月8日 · Smith et al. (2009) highlight the fact that sample size is contextual and must be considered on a study-by-study basis. However, as a rough guide they suggest between three and six participants for an undergraduate or master's level
Consistent with the idiographic nature of IPA, Pietkiewicz and Smith (2014) recommend small sample sizes of ed relatively homogeneous participants, on average 5-10 participants. Researchers should consider the depth of individual cases and pragmatic limitations, such as time and resources when deciding on sample size (Rubel & Okech, 2017).
advocate for use of IPA with a large sample. But sample size is often a matter of negotiation based on reasons other than the research purpose and potential value of findings from a small sample. Instructors, research supervisors, funding organizations, and colleagues may all have
determine the subsequent methodology and research design. It is inappropriate to use a large sample size just because that is more common in psychological studies. With IPA, we aim at...
As an approach that is ‘participant-oriented’, interpretative phenomenological analysis approach allows the interviewees (research participants) to express themselves and their ‘lived experience’ stories the way they see fit without any distortion and/or prosecution.
Characterising and justifying sample size sufficiency in interview ...
2018年11月21日 · These IPA studies illustrate that the characterisation of sample size sufficiency can be a function of researchers’ theoretical and epistemological commitments rather than the result of an ‘objective’ sample size assessment.
Value of any size of IPA sample –the beginnings of deep, comprehensive understanding of the “why,” “how,” etc. questions, not necessarily answerable based on readily observable or