Cleaned with 100% Iso-Propyl Alcohol (100% IPA) - XPS Metrology
Cleaning with 100% IPA Method. 100% IPA, due to polarity, has a modest ability to dissolve some inorganic materials so you need to test a spare sample before using it on the main sample. After determining that 100% IPA will not harm your sample surface, then …
异丙醇在SiO2表面的吸附与表面反应,Journal of ... - X-MOL
通过 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 分析 IPA 处理前后SiO 2表面的化学结构。 使用配备 SiO 2反应器和傅里叶变换红外光谱 (FT-IR) 的在线评估系统研究 IPA 的分解行为。 在温度高于 150 °C 的 IPA 处理过程中,不同类型的有机物沉积在 SiO2 上2 个表面,取决于温度。 SiO 2没有被还原,并且它的表面状态在低于350°C的温度下没有改变。 此外,我们研究了经过和未经 IPA 处理的 SiO 2表面吸附的三甲基铝 (TMAl) 的量。 结果,通过IPA处理,吸附在SiO 2表面上的TMAl量减少了 …
继7篇Nature+Science后,大佬又发Nature Energy! - 知乎专栏
韩国蔚山国立科学技术院(UNIST)Sang Il Seok等人发现一步法中添加的 异丙醇溶剂 会与CH3NH3Cl发生化学反应,生成的异丙铵阳离子能够稳定了α-FAPbI3相。 在此基础上,研究人员通过将iPAmHCl添加到钙钛矿前驱体溶液,通过一步法制备的PSC实现了23.9%的认证效率。 在氮气氛和1个太阳照射下,初始效率约为20%的器件在1000 h后效率上升到23%,再经过1000小时后,它逐渐降低到约22%。 使用IPA的制备方法比较. 为了理解两步法,一步法以及在一步法中 …
The XPS spectra of (a) the O 1s and (b) C 1s core level
Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) assisted by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been employed to construct the band energy diagrams of the substrate and interfaces.
Isopropanol-treated PEDOT:PSS as electron transport layer in polymer ...
2014年12月1日 · We performed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of P3HT:PCBM active layers with and without IPA-treated PEDOT:PSS ETL in order to probe the inner compositional change of the film surface.
Practical Guides for X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS): First ...
This first guide outlines steps appropriate for determining whether XPS is capable of obtaining the desired information, identifies issues relevant to planning, conducting and reporting an XPS measurement, and identifies sources of practical information for conducting XPS measurements.
Sample Handling, Storage, & Tranport – The International XPS …
Tweezers should be cleaned regularly by sonication in isopropyl alcohol (IPA). Be careful not to use gloves that transfer silicone oil (PDMS) to your tools or sample stage. Samples can be stored or transported in clean petri dishes, new plastic dishes (e.g. polystyrene), or clean glass vials.
(a) XPS spectra of carbon and (b) Weibull distribution curves for...
Download scientific diagram | (a) XPS spectra of carbon and (b) Weibull distribution curves for breakdown voltage. from publication: A Study on the Role of Pre-Cleaning and a New Method to...
XPS Surface Chemical Analysis Service Lab, Materials Analysis ...
XPS gives chemistry from top 1-12 nm, but normal EDX at 5-10 kV gives chemistry from 0.5 – 2 microns (2,000 nm) below the surface. ToF-SIMS is even more surface sensitive than XPS. ToF-SIMS gives information from the top 1-3 nm.
科学指南针测试干货系列-xps用于覆盖层厚度分析 - 知乎
2024年3月23日 · 今天,科学指南针荣幸地向您推荐一项革命性的分析技术—— x射线光电子能谱 (xps),它不仅在材料科学领域大放异彩,更为 纳米复合材料 薄膜或核壳颗粒的厚度测定带来了前所未有的便利。