IPB University Rebranding - IPB University
Awal tahun 2019 lalu, telah diluncurkan perubahan nama Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) menjadi IPB University. Nama baru ini terlahir dari proses panjang kegiatan rebranding. Mengapa rebranding itu penting dan mengapa IPB University terpilih sebagai nama baru? Mengapa perlu melakukan rebranding?
IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Duas das "Mulheres na Ciência" deste ano são do IPB. 10 de março de 2025. Cerimónia de entrega de diplomas 2023/24. 9 de março de 2025. Estão abertas as pré-inscrições para a 22ª Edição do Concurso Regional de Ideias – Poliempreende do IPB. 26 de fevereiro de 2025
IPB Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector) - Brandfetch
Find the IPB style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
Dept.Statistics-IPB-University-PPT-Guidelines.pptx - SlideShare
2022年11月10日 · The document outlines PowerPoint guidelines for presentations at IPB University. It provides recommendations for layout, design elements, fonts, transitions, color palettes, and includes examples of charts and graphs. The guidelines specify to include an intro slide with the university branding, title slide, and end slide.
Botani Merchandise - Bisnis IPB
Botani Merchandise merupakan Satuan Usaha Penunjang (SUP) IPB yang menyediakan berbagai macam atribut maupun suvenir dengan membawa brand dan logo IPB University secara legal. Outlet Botani Merchandise berlokasi di Jalan lingkar kampus IPB Dramaga, belakang gedung Graha Widya Wisuda.
IPB | Home
Site Oficial da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil. Aqui você encontrará informações históricas, sobre nossas igrejas, dados das autarquias e secretarias. Seja Bem-vindo ao novo site da IPB.
Mengenal Reydi, Brand Fashion Lokal Karya Mahasiswa IPB …
2022年9月22日 · Brand karya mahasiswa IPB University, Reydi, menerima hibah dana dalam Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) 2022. Program ini terdiri dari beberapa bidang salah satunya yaitu industri kreatif dan seni budaya. Dalam program ini, salah satu delegasi dari IPB University mengembangkan brand fashion Reydi. Read More>>
The Effect of Tiktok Social Media Influencer, Brand Image, and ... - IPB
2024年1月15日 · This research shares an overview and insight that skincare manufacturers can leverage influencer endorsement by using influencers who match the product category they advertise, namely skincare, have good knowledge, an attractive personality, and a positive image. Keywords: brand image, influencer, lifestyle, purchase intention, tiktok social media
Brand Attachment: The Moderating Effect of High and Low ... - IPB
2024年6月30日 · This study analyses the moderating effect that the brand’s involvement (high or low) has on the relationship between brand attachment and some of its antecedents (brand personality, perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand credibility) and effects (brand loyalty, purchase intention, and perceived risk). This causal research, with 1922 ...
The Optimizing of Digital Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness ... - IPB
2023年5月31日 · The purpose of this research is to (1) identify digital marketing strategies that Sudut Lombok has carried out in building its brand awareness, (2) measure the level of brand awareness of Sudut Lombok in potential customers, and (3) determine the solution proposed implementation of the right digital marketing strategy in increasing brand awareness.