Section 21 in The Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Indian Kanoon
(Second) — Every Commissioned Officer in the Military, Naval or Air Forces of India; (Third) — Every Judge including any person empowered by law to discharge, whether by himself or as a member of any body of persons, any adjudicatory functions;
4 CHAPTER VA CRIMINALCONSPIRACY SECTIONS 120A. Definition of criminal conspiracy. 120B. Punishment of criminal conspiracy. CHAPTER VI OF OFFENCES AGAINST THE STATE 121. Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting …
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本手册旨在帮助使用者返工、维修和/或修改电子组件,同时对电子组件最终使用功能和可靠性的影响最小化。 本手册中所述的操作程序均来自于组. PCA – 印制电路组件。 返工–通过使用原工艺或替代的等效工艺,确保不合格产品完全符合适用图纸或技术规范的再加工。 修改–为了满足新的验收要求,而对产品功能进行的修订。 这样的修改通常包含设计的更改,通过图纸、变更通知单等来实现设计更改的控制。 只应该在经过特批、并在受控文件中详细说明后再进行修改。 维修使有缺 …
Understanding IPC Section 21 Public Servant Defined A …
Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) defines “Public Servant,” an essential term in Indian law. It is critical to understand this section as it governs the responsibilities, conduct, and legal protection of individuals holding public office.
IPC Section 21 - "Public servant" | Devgan.in - A Lawyers Reference
IPC Chapter II; S. 21 "Public servant" Description; The words “public servant” denote a person falling under any of the descriptions hereinafter following, namely: *** Every Commissioned Officer in the Military, Naval or Air Forces of India;
IPC Section 21 - Meaning Of "Public Servant" - Lead India
2022年3月28日 · IPC Section 21 states that - the word "PUBLIC SERVANT" denotes the person falling under any of the following categories:- (i) *********** (Omitted) (ii) Any officer commissioned under the Military, Naval, and Air forces of the country.
IPC Section 21: Public Servant - IPC Laws
2024年5月22日 · Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides a comprehensive definition of “Public Servant.” This definition is crucial because many provisions within the IPC pertain to or protect actions performed by public servants, as well as prescribe punishments for offenses committed by or against public servants.
Section 21 Indian Penal Code 1860 (IPC) – “Public Servant”
2023年4月21日 · Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) defines the term “Public servant.” It is a crucial provision that outlines the scope and ambit of public servants in India. In this article, we will explore the concept of a public servant in India in detail, with an emphasis on its interpretation and implications.
IPC 21: Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code - Indian Kaanoon
2014年12月15日 · Wherever the words “public servant” occur, they shall be understood of every person who is in actual possession of the situation of a public servant, whatever legal defect there may be in his right to hold that situation.