Promote IPM adoption to reach a -50% of pesticide use of European agriculture by 2035! IPM WORKS Networks will gather networks which are dedicated to farm demonstration and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and which have recently been established, either at the EU level or at national or local levels, focusing on IPM or on other aspects of farming.
IPMWORKS – Fostering Adoption of Integrated Pest …
IPM Works provides development and implementation services to public and private sector clients to reduce pest and pesticide hazards in agriculture and communities. Thomas Green has been a national leader in market-based sustainability and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) initiatives in agricultural and community settings for more than thirty ...
Project – IPMworks
IPMworks (full project name: An EU-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM strategies) is a H2020 financed project gathering 31 partners from 16 European countries, coordinated by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE).
One of the main objectives of the project is to establish a EU-wide multi-actor network, based on (i) existing national IPM Farm Demo networks, coordinated to produce common deliverables (e.g. common formats for the description of successful IPM strategies with management details and performance at the farm level, level of pesticide use ...
IPM Works - IPM Decisions
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.
IPMWORKS is an H2020 European project that started on the 1st of October 2020 and will last 4 years. The project is led by INRAE in France, and has 31 partners, from 16 European countries.
IPMWORKS: Effective… | LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming)
You're invited to 2 webinars focusing on the research findings from the IPMWorks project which aims to promote IPM adoption to reach a -50% of pesticide use of European agriculture by 2035! Discover the challenges and opportunities of Integrated Pest Management in our NEW webinars, based on the findings of the European IPMworks project!
IPMWORKS Resource Toolbox - Agricology
Use the IPM WORKS Toolbox to search for and find all types of resources relating to IPM. Project outputs from EU-wide IPM projects as well as case studies, economic assessments, training content and more are available for farmers and growers to use.
WPs – IPMworks
The objective of WP2 is to set up a network of IPM demonstration farms, within and between European countries, and to build a community of farmers, advisers and researchers, to encourage exchange of experiences, foster interactive innovation and ultimately promote the adoption of IPM practices by European farmers.