Mild, Moderate, Severe Intellectual Disability Differences
1 天前 · Experts divide the types of cognitive impairment into four categories: mild intellectual disability, moderate intellectual disability, severe intellectual disability, and profound intellectual disability. The degree of impairment from an intellectual disability varies widely.
IQ classification - Wikipedia
Kaufman test scores "are classified in a symmetrical, nonevaluative fashion", [46] in other words the score ranges for classification are just as wide above the mean as below the mean, and the classification labels do not purport to assess individuals.
Characteristics of a Person With a 45 IQ - The Classroom
2018年7月23日 · IQ is measured on a numeric scale where 100 is considered average, 140 is genius and scores below 70 represent mental deficiencies. IQ scores are scaled based on age to take differences in children and adult development into consideration. A person with a 45 IQ exhibits several telltale characteristics.
IQ Score Ranges | Are You Average, High, or Genius IQ?
2023年11月16日 · You’ll notice that the highest number of people (68%) score somewhere in the blue region of the curve. An average IQ range is between 85 and 115—somewhere between “below average” and “above average” intelligence. What is a High IQ? A high IQ is considered to be between 116 and 144.
智商测试 | 瑞文智力测试-2025版国际标准IQ测试题免费版
瑞文智力测试,由英国心理学家瑞文(J.C.Raven)设计的一种非文字智力测试,用以测评人的观察力、知觉辨别力、想象力及推理判断能力等。 本测评采用瑞文测评后续延伸版即瑞文智商测试高级版 (APM),适用7岁以上儿童及成人测评。 瑞文智商测试题目难度顺序为由易到难排列,每个单元的解题思路基本一致,而各单元之间是有差异的,所测的能力也有所不同。 瑞文智力测试报告给出原始分及标准分,各维度得分分布图,评定智力水平等。 门萨智商测试,门萨(Mensa) …
IQ Classifications - AssessmentPsychology.com
Information on IQ classifications in educational and psychiatric use and classifications no longer in use.
智商 (IQ)水平。 顯示智商 (IQ)分數範圍和排名的智商水平表。
iq 分數在 111 到 119 之間表示智力良好。 iq 分數在 120 到 129 之間表示智力較高。 iq 分數為 130 或更高表明智力天賦。 然而,有些測試略有不同,智力天賦可以通過 135-140 或更高的分數來顯示。 得分超過 160 分的人被賦予了卓越的天賦,通常被稱為«天才»類別。
Meaning of an IQ of 46 - Explaining IQ
An IQ of 46 indicates moderate intellectual disability, with notable difficulties in daily tasks and likely dependence on others.
韦氏成人智力(IQ)在线测试 - 查美测试题详情
2024年11月15日 · 关于正常iq值的范围,通常认为,iq值在90到109之间被视为正常或平均智力水平。 这一范围覆盖了大多数人的智力表现,反映了人类智力水平的普遍状况。
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