Irish Republican Brotherhood - Wikipedia
The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB; Irish: Bráithreachas Phoblacht na hÉireann) was a secret oath-bound fraternal organisation dedicated to the establishment of an "independent democratic republic" in Ireland between 1858 and 1924. [1]
Michael Collins (Irish leader) - Wikipedia
During the War of Independence he was Director of Intelligence of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and a government minister of the self-declared Irish Republic. He was then Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State from January 1922 and commander-in-chief of the National Army from July until his death in an ambush in August ...
Characterization of IRA/IRB hybrid insulin receptors using ...
2008年10月1日 · The insulin receptor (IR) is composed of two alpha-chains that bind ligands and two beta-chains that possess an intracellular tyrosine kinase activity. The IR is expressed in cells as two isoforms containing or not exon 11 (IRB and IRA, respectively). Several mRNA studies have demonstrated that the …
胰岛素受体 - 内分泌学 - 天山医学院
因胰岛素受体(IR)基因的11号外显子剪接差异,细胞可合成胰岛素受体的两种异构体——IRA和IRB。 IRA主要在胚胎和恶性肿瘤组织中表达,而IRB主要在以胰岛素为介导的糖代谢组织(如肝脏、肌肉和脂肪)中表达。 正常情况下,IGF-I 与IRA和IRB 的亲和力低,但IGF-2与IRA和IGF-1R呈高亲和力结合,其最终生物学作用是细胞的有丝分裂增强;相反,IGF-2与IRB的低亲和力结合导致胰岛素样代谢效应(组织利用糖增加,血糖降低)。 胰岛素受体和IGF-1受体及它们的杂合受 …
叶绿体DNA - 百度百科
高等植物的叶绿体基因组的长度各异,但均有10~24kb的一段 DNA序列 的两份拷贝,互呈 反向重复序列 (IRA和IRB)。 这两份反向重复序列之间发生重组,形成了一份短的 单拷贝序列 (short single copy,SSC),把IRA和IRB连接起来,基因组的其余部分则是长的单拷贝序列(long single copy,LSC)。 叶绿体基因组同线粒体基因组一样,都是细胞里相对独立的一个遗传系统。 叶绿体基因组可以自主地进行复制,但同时需要 细胞核遗传 系统提供遗传信息。
Forms, Templates & Guidance | Human Research Protections
Find IRB review application (IRA) forms, guidance documents, and submission templates and checklists here.
Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia
L'Irish Republican Army ("Esercito Repubblicano Irlandese", IRA) (in gaelico irlandese Óglaigh na hÉireann, in italiano "Volontari d'Irlanda"), a volte indicata come Old IRA (Vecchia IRA), era un'organizzazione militare nata dai Volontari Irlandesi (Irish Volunteers), che nel 1919 il Dáil Éireann riconobbe come esercito della Repubblica ...
The Role of Insulin Receptor Isoforms in Diabetes and Its ... - PubMed
The insulin receptor (IR) presents by alternative splicing two isoforms: IRA and IRB. The differential physiological and pathological role of both isoforms is not completely known, and it is determinant the different binding affinity for insulin-like growth factor. IRB is …
Expression of insulin receptor (IR) A and B isoforms, IGF-IR, and IR ...
2016年12月1日 · We previously described that insulin induced a more sustained signaling in IRA compared with IRB neonatal pancreatic beta cell lines and a higher stimulation of Akt or MAPK pathways in IRA than IRB VSMCs . Now, we show that IRA isoform in VSMCs mediates a greater activation of Akt, p70S6K and p44/42 MAPK than IRB in response not only to insulin ...
胰岛素受体亚型 B 是胰腺 β 细胞中有效加工胰岛素原所必需 …
2024年5月17日 · 胰岛素受体 (INSR, IR) 通过选择性剪接具有 IRA 和 IRB 两种亚型。 然而,它们在体内的不同功能 仍不清楚。 在这里,我们生成了β细胞特异性 IRB 敲除 (KO) 小鼠 (βIRBKO)。 由于 β 细胞中胰岛素原加工受损,KO 小鼠在饮食诱导的肥胖中表现出高胰岛素血症和高胰岛素原血症恶化。 从机制上讲,IRB 缺失通过稳定转录受体甾醇调节元件结合蛋白 1 (SREBP1) 来抑制真核翻译起始因子 4G1 (eIF4G1)。 此外,βIRBKO 小鼠中过量的自分 …