What does 'IRL' mean? Here's how to use the text slang. - USA TODAY
2023年9月21日 · "IRL" (pronounced I-R-L) stands for "in real life." The abbreviation is often used in informal messaging, such as via DM or texting. It distinguishes real life from online …
What Does “IRL” Mean? Definition and Examples - Wix.com
2020年9月23日 · IRL is an acronym that stands for the phrase In Real Life. It indicates that we are referring to the physical world (or persona, perspective, etc.) versus the online/virtual world (or …
What Does Irl Mean? - Grammarly
2022年9月27日 · Irl is an abbreviation for in real life, which indicates that we’re talking about our normal, everyday life and not the digital lives we lead online. The phrase irl emerged in the …
What Does “IRL” Mean? Definition and Usage | YourDictionary
2023年1月9日 · It’s always used in conjunction with an image or video to describe a person’s physical, mental, or emotional state. For example, if you’re relaxing on a beach, you might …
What Does "IRL" Mean and How Do You Use It? - How-To Geek
2019年12月17日 · IRL stands for "in real life." When people use it online, it often refers to their identity and life outside the internet, such as their day-to-day job and nearby social circle. The …
IRL Meaning » Decode Internet Slang » SLANGINFO.com
2024年11月28日 · IRL Meaning: Alright, let’s break it down. IRL stands for “In Real Life.” It’s the go-to phrase for talking about things that happen outside of the internet, in the physical world. …
What Does “IRL” Mean? Definition, Use, and Examples
“IRL” is an internet slang term that is commonly used between people getting to know each other. It is informal. And should not get used in a business setting. Correct use: Tinder, Bumble, or …
What Does IRL Mean In Text? - Texting.io
2024年11月11日 · IRL stands for “In Real Life”. This acronym distinguishes between events, interactions, or experiences that happen in the physical world versus those that occur in virtual …
IRL Meaning, Origin and Examples - 7ESL
2024年12月23日 · IRL, which stands for “in real life,” is an abbreviation frequently used in texting and various social media platforms to differentiate the real world from the digital one. Its usage …
What Does “IRL” Mean? Definition, Use, and Examples
2024年8月24日 · “IRL” stands for “In Real Life.” It is used to differentiate between the online, virtual world and the physical, offline world where face-to-face interactions occur. The term is …