IRS-1A - Wikipedia
IRS-1A, Indian Remote Sensing satellite-1A, the first of the series of indigenous state-of-art remote sensing satellites, was successfully launched into a polar Sun-synchronous orbit on 17 March 1988 from the Soviet Cosmodrome at Baikonur. IRS-1A carries two sensors, LISS-1 and LISS-2, with resolutions of 72 m (236 ft) and 36 m (118 ft ...
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite, IRS-1A - Indian Space Research ...
2023年3月17日 · As a pre-investment to the proposed launch of IRS-1A, an IRS Utilisation Programme (IRS-UP) was also launched with 16 projects identified to address specific stated areas of natural resources management; with the data from LANDSAT satellites used initially for appropriate methodology definition in each case in anticipation of similar data from ...
Indian Remote Sensing Programme - Wikipedia
India's remote sensing programme under the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) started off in 1988 with the IRS-1A, the first of the series of indigenous state-of-art operating remote sensing satellites, which was successfully launched into a polar Sun-synchronous orbit on March 17, 1988, from the Soviet Cosmodrome at Baikonur.
IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites) - eoPortal
2024年7月19日 · The first IRS, IRS-1A, was nearly identical to its successor, IRS-1B. Both had three high-resolution optical imagers onboard, all multispectral cameras: LISS-I (Linear Imaging Self Scanner) and two LISS-II.
IRS-1A - Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
IRS-1A, the first of the series of indigenous state-of-art remote sensing satellites, was successfully launched into a polar sun-synchronous orbit on March 17, 1988 from the Soviet Cosmodrome at Baikonur.
遥感学习笔记(七)——其他常见卫星简介 - CSDN博客
2021年6月22日 · JERS-1发射于1992年2月11日,它是一颗将光学传感器(OPS)和合成孔径雷达系统(SAR)置于同一平台上的卫星,主要用途是观测地球陆域,进行地学研究等。 近圆形、近极地、太阳同步、中等高度轨道。 轨道高度为568km,每圈运行96min,每天绕地球15圈。 【可见光近红外辐射计】 VNR有四个波段: 0.52~0.60μm. 0.63~0.69μm. 0.76~0.80μm 垂直观测地面. 0.76~0.80μm 水平观测地面. 地面分辨率为18~24米,视场为75km,均为CCD扫描仪(每行 …
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1A (IRS-1A) was the first of a series of semi-operational/operational remote sensing satellites developed by India for land-based applications such as agriculture, forestry, geology, and hydrology.
IRS 1A, 1B - Gunter's Space Page
1991年8月29日 · IRS 1A and 1B (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite) were the first of the series of indigenous state-of-art remote sensing satellites. IRS-1A, was successfully launched into a polar sun-synchronous orbit on 17 March 1988 from the Soviet Cosmodrome at Baikonur on a …
ian Remote Sensing Satellite programme. As a pre-investment to the proposed launch of IRS-1A, an IRS Utilisation Programme (IRS-UP) was also launched with 16 projects identified to address specific stated areas of natural resources management; with the data from LANDSAT satellites used initially for appropriate methodology definition in each cas...
印度遥感卫星IRS—1A - 百度学术
IRS—1A卫星装载有两个成象系统,是用三个自扫描线性成象照相机组成。 (Linear Imaging Self Scanning Cameras (LISS)),每个照相机工作在四个波谱段,三个为可见光,一为近红外。 这些波段类似于陆地卫星携带的多光谱 (MSS)和主题绘图仪 (TM)的复盖能力。 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。 在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。