IS-1重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-1重型坦克(英文:IS-1 Heavy tank),是苏联在第二次世界大战时代开始研制的坦克系列,它是以约瑟夫·斯大林(Iosif Stalin)的名字命名的。 德国将它称为JS坦克,而俄文写作ИС坦克。
IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS-85 was later referred to as IS-1. The first IS-1 rolled off the line in October 1943, but production was stopped in January 1944, as the IS-1 was quickly replaced by the IS-2. …
IS系列坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
is-1重型坦克是1943年庫斯克會戰後以kv-13中型戰車為基礎而開發而成的新型戰車。原型車稱為is-85,正式量產定名為is-1,總產量為107輛 原型車稱為IS-85,正式量產定名為IS-1,總產量 …
IS-1 - War Thunder Wiki
The IS-1 is the first variant of the IS heavy tank family. The new IS-1 was intended to overcome the lack of firepower and protection issues of the KV series with a whole new sloped hull …
IS重型坦克 - 百度百科
在is-1坦克投入生产时,德军就已经装备了“虎”式重型坦克。 该坦克配用的88mm火炮可以发射的 穿甲弹 初速为930m/s,在1000m距离上的垂直穿甲厚度为140mm。
IS-1 / IS-85 Heavy Tank (Object 237) - GlobalSecurity.org
The IS 1 tank and the IS 2 tank are the first in a series of heavy IS tanks. They were developed during the Great Patriotic War and began to be produced in 1943. The Soviet tanks KV 1 and …
Soviet heavy Tank IS-I
The first IS-1 (definitive series vehicles) rolled of the line in October 1943, but it was stopped in January 1944, as the IS-1 was quickly replaced by the all-better IS-2. Because of this only 200 …
IS-1 / JS-1 (Josef Stalin) Heavy Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle
2018年5月21日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the IS-1 / JS-1 (Josef Stalin) Heavy Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle including pictures. The …
第1期:苏联重型坦克——IS系列坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月12日 · 防空武器 1挺DShK型12.7毫米机枪 弹药基数 122毫米坦克炮弹28发;7.62毫米机枪弹500发;12.7毫米机枪弹545发 车体装甲 19~110毫米(一说炮盾110,首上与IS-2不 …
IS-1 and IS-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The IS-1 redesignated the IS-2 for security reasons is the first Soviet heavy tank model of the IS tank series. It saw combat in World War II as well as service in other Soviet allied countries …