IS-3 - Wikipedia
The IS-3 (also known as Object 703) is a Soviet heavy tank developed in late 1944. Its semi-hemispherical cast turret (resembling that of an upturned soup bowl) became the hallmark of post-war Soviet tanks. Its pike nose design would also be mirrored by other tanks of the IS tank family such as the IS-7 and T-10.
IS-3重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-3重型坦克(英文:IS-3 Heavy Tank ,俄文:ИС-3 ТАНК),是苏联第二次世界大战末期研制的一型重型坦克。 该坦克战斗全重46.5吨,乘员4人,装备一门122毫米火炮,一挺12.7毫米高射机和3挺7.62毫米机枪。
IS-3 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · The IS-3 was a Cold War tank, of the same generation as the British Centurion and American Pershing. All three were conceived to fight the latest German tanks, but ended on opposite fronts and had a long Cold War career. Stalin, however, had other plans for these tanks, paraded proudly on the 7th of September 1945 during a military parade in ...
IS-3重型戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IS-3重型戰車 (俄語: ИС-3;開發代號 703工程) 是一款 蘇聯 於 第二次世界大戰 期間開發出的 重型坦克,首次出現於1945年在 柏林 舉行的勝利閱兵,並隨即以其優異的裝甲設計及性能震驚了在場觀禮的西方官員;西方國家也立刻著手發展更強大的戰車以對抗IS-3。 然而由於該戰車在戰爭結束前幾天才開始量產,因而未能趕上任何戰鬥。 也因此,IS-3通常被認為是 蘇聯 的第一款戰後戰車。 「IS」指的是 蘇聯 領導人 約瑟夫·史達林 的姓名縮寫,而「3」指的是 IS系列戰車 第 …
IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS-3 known as Object 703 is a Soviet heavy tank developed in late 1944, and began production in May 1945. Its semi-hemispherical cast turret (resembling an upturned soup bowl), became the hallmark of post-war Soviet tanks.
IS-3 (慈父3)坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
IS-3重型坦克(俄文:ИС-3 ТАНК,英文:IS-3 Heavy Tank ),是苏联第二次世界大战末期研制的一型重型坦克。 该坦克战斗全重46.5吨,乘员4人,装备一门122毫米火炮,一挺12.7毫米高射机和3挺7.62毫米机枪。
IS-3 - the Soviet Heavy that Scared the West - Tank Historia
2022年8月1日 · The IS-3 heavy tank was a late World War Two Soviet tank design that was an improvement on the IS-2. Although the IS-3 arrived too late to see combat in WWII, it would become the main Soviet tank of the immediate Cold War period and participate in conflicts throughout the 1950s and ’60s and even into the modern day.
Soviet IS-III (1944) - tank-afv.com
The IS-3 was a Cold War tank, of the same generation as the British Centurion and American Pershing. All three were conceived to fight the latest German tanks, but ended on opposite fronts and had a long Cold War career. Stalin however had other plans for these tanks, paraded proudly on the 7th of September 1945 during a military parade in Berlin.
IS-3: The Tank with a Piked Nose - Tank Archives
2016年6月19日 · The engine compartment housed a 12-cylinder 4-stroke 520 hp V-11-IS-3 engine. The tank's transmission consisted of a multi-disk dry friction clutch and an 8-speed gearbox with a demultiplexor and two-stage planetary turning mechanisms.
IS-3 Heavy Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
Heavy tank "Joseph Stalin - 3" (abbreviated IS - 3) - the last Soviet tank, adopted during the Great Patriotic War, but practically did not participate in hostilities. The first...