肠道再生2013Cell Stem Cell:Lgr5+干细胞在辐射诱导的肠道再生 …
肠上皮在损伤后能够通过lgr5+ 肠道干细胞 (ISCs)自我更新而迅速的再生,删除lgr5+ISC并不影响肠道稳态,这与激活了lgr5- reserve stem cells (储备干细胞)有关。
A constant pool of Lgr5 + intestinal stem cells is required for ...
2021年1月26日 · Our results indicate that intestinal homeostasis requires a constant pool of Lgr5 + ISCs, which is supplied by rapidly reprogrammed non-Lgr5 + crypt populations when preexisting Lgr5 + ISCs are ablated. As one of the most rapidly renewing organs, small intestine (SI) crypts display remarkable plasticity.
Redefining intestinal stemness: The emergence of a new ISC …
2024年6月6日 · In tissue homeostasis, intestinal stem cells (ISCs) undergo continuous self-renewal to sustain rapid cellular turnover. In this issue of Cell, Capdevila et al. and Malagola, Vasciaveo, et al. identify a new ISC population in the upper crypt that can generate Lgr5+ stem cells during homeostasis.
Lgr5基因(eucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 5, 也称Gpr49),是从肠道Wnt靶位的诸多基因中挑选出的,只在小肠绒毛的凹陷处(crypt)表达。 由于 Wnt信号 构成绒毛基部生理学活动背后的主要调节因素,作者假设一些Wnt靶基因可能在小肠干细胞中特异性表达。
Vagal pathway activation links chronic stress to decline in …
3 天之前 · Notably, TA cells were defined as Lgr5-GFPlow, retaining low GFP signals despite lacking Lgr5 expression. 31 Immunofluorescent staining confirmed a reduction in Lgr5-GFP+ ISCs and a lower proportion of EdU+ incorporations within the Lgr5-GFP+ population after ES treatment (Figure S1L), indicating impaired ISC proliferation.
Lgr5+ stem cells are indispensable for radiation-induced intestinal ...
2014年2月6日 · Lgr5 marks mitotically active intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Importantly, intestinal homeostasis can be maintained after depletion of Lgr5(+) cells due to the activation of Lgr5(-) reserve ISCs. The Lgr5(-) ISC populations are thought to play a similar role during intestinal regeneration following radiation-induced damage.
Wnt/β-catenin 和 Dll1 介导的 Notch 通路在 Lgr5 阳性肠道干细胞 …
使用 β-cateninfl/fl 小鼠、β-cateninTg 小鼠和 Dll1tm1 Gos 小鼠与 Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-creERT2 小鼠杂交生成不同基因型的小鼠,改变体内 ISCs 中 Wnt/β-catenin 和 Dll1 介导的 Notch 信号传导的激活。
Regulated IFN signalling preserves the stemness of intestinal stem ...
2020年7月20日 · Ablation of Lgr5-expressing ISCs (Lgr5 ISCs) severely impairs intestinal regeneration after irradiation but has little impact on the basal homeostatic IEC turnover 2. Because this phenotype...
The Intestinal Stem Cell Niche: Generation and Utilization of ...
2024年12月25日 · IL-13 is a signaling molecule involved in Lgr5 + ISC differentiation into goblet and tuft cells, which occurs in a positive-feedback loop [7,70]. Finally, goblet and tuft-2 cells contribute to the clearance of pathogens, and they provide immunity against further infections in the intestine . Collectively, the plasticity and dedifferentiation of ...
Lgr5 + Stem Cells Are Indispensable for Radiation ... - ScienceDirect
2014年2月6日 · Lgr5 marks mitotically active intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Importantly, intestinal homeostasis can be maintained after depletion of Lgr5+ cells due to the activation of Lgr5− reserve ISCs. The Lgr5− ISC populations are thought to play a similar role during intestinal regeneration following radiation-induced damage.