Most ISFSI pads are typically 0.61m to 0.91m (24 inches to 36 inches) reinforced concrete mat foundation collocated with the reactor within the site boundary. They are normally placed at grade level on top of an engineered fill that is well compacted and adequately
• The vendor typically specifies the ISFSI pad classification (ITS or NITS) • For NITS, the licensee may use commercial grade practices but must still conform with design requirements • The general licensee will have to address whether the ISFSI pad will support the static and dynamic loads from the casks,
The reinforced concrete pad for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for the storage of spent nuclear fuel, presents some unique analysis and design challenges for the owners and operators of commercial nuclear power plants (NPP) in the US.
In performing a seismic structural qualification of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) pads at nuclear power plants, an integral step to this analysis is conducting the Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) analysis to determine how the responses of the storage casks are affected by the properties of the underlying soil sub-grade...
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for Dry Cask …
The Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) is often a concrete storage pad for the metal casks which store the spent fuel. The facility also includes piping and the related instrumentation for monitoring the pressure within the casks.
The ISFSI pad is a reinforced concrete slab (on-grade), located in proximity to the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) spent fuel handling facility interconnected by a hauling path. The pad provides storage for the sufficiently aged spent fuel removed from the plant spent fuel pool (SFP) and encapsulated in leak-tight
A large ISFSI facility is planned outside the Protected Area (PA) of Vogtle nuclear power plant. A 2.5-ft by 68-ft by 417-ft reinforced concrete foundation (“pad”) will be used to support unanchored HI-STORM 100 dry storage casks (Ref. 1), which will …
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) primary structure is the reinforced concrete pad (or basemat) that is used to support the horizontal storage modules (HSM’s). The weight of the HSM’s containing fully loaded Dry Storage Canisters (DSC’s) must be carried by the pad during a design life of
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
Dickerson completed the civil construction as well as construction of the concrete pad for the independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI), the vehicle barrier system and the security operations center located within the protected area (PA) at a nuclear power plant.
Overview of Current Practice for Analysis and Design of …
2019年11月15日 · The ISFSI pad analysis and design have to consider various loading conditions, such as earthquake and tornado loadings as well as normal operating loading conditions. Seismic analysis of the ISFSI pad requires considering interaction between the pad and the supporting soil.
PTP Spent Fuel Services
Engineering, design and construction of ISFSI storage pads. Development of Plans and Procedures for Handling the Spent Fuel Onsite; Testing of System Components and Equipment; Startup, Readiness Review, Internal and NRC ‘Dry Runs’ Integration and coordination with ‘Cold & Dark’ and decommissioning activities; Oversight Procedures and ...
While performing the seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis of the Plant Hatch ISFSI, we discovered that of all the site parameters the flexibility of the ISFSI concrete pad was the most significant contributor to the seismic response of free …
Overview of Current Practice for Analysis and Design of …
2019年7月14日 · Due to the lack of specific guidelines, many ISFSI pad designs show overly conservative reinforcement. This study provides guidelines and procedure for the design of the ISFSI pad that are...
response: pad flexibility (i.e., pad thickness), soil properties and cask layout. A total of 16 soil-structure interaction (SSI) analyses were performed with various combinations of these parameters using the SASSI program. The results show that the most important parameter affecting cask response is the out-of-plane
ISFSI site boundary radiation dose rate analyses - PubMed
Using a conjoining of discrete ordinates transport theory (DORT) and Monte Carlo (MCNP) techniques, an ISFSI was analysed to determine neutron and photon dose rates for a generic overpack, and ISFSI pad configuration and design at distances ranging from 1 to …
NRC ISFSI Pad Surveys at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station . Scope: To perform independent measurements and verifications of radiological conditions at San Onofre Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). The measurement locations included background areas, public access areas in the owner controlled areas, protected areas
ISFSI pad thickness (flexibility) is the dominant factor influencing cask response. The second largest contributor to cask response is the partial arrangement of casks on the pad. The more isolated a cask the higher its response. The maximum amplification factor at the cask base (top-of …
Effects of ISFSI Pad Flexibility on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI ...
2013年8月18日 · Effects of ISFSI Pad Flexibility on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) Analysis Effects of ISFSI Pad Flexibility on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) Analysis. No Thumbnail Available . Files. Pap_609_ver_1.pdf (619.63 KB) Date. 2013-08-18T00:00:00+00:00. Authors. Nicholas Callahan . Charles Papadelis .
The ISFSI reinforced concrete pads are designed to withstand the effects of site-specific environmental conditions and natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. Required analyses for such phenomena include the ev aluation of …
The full Zion ISFSI contains 61 Magnastor spent fuel casks and four greater-than-Class C waste casks. Other than a switchyard, the ISFSI will be the only remaining structure on the site once decommissioning is completed in 2020. n
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