ISIC - International Student Identity Card
The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student …
Students - ISIC USA
Get your ISIC ID today! The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only proof of full-time student status accepted around the world. In over 130 countries there are more than 5 million …
如何优雅地薅羊毛?国际学生证申请攻略 - 知乎
国际学生证(International Student Identity Card),简称ISIC。 ISIC国际学生证是一张由 联合国教科文组织 所认可,由国际学生 旅游联盟 (ISTC)所发行,国际间公认的学生通用证件。
Which card is right for you? - ISIC
The ITIC card is the only internationally recognized ID card which provides full-time teacher or professor numerous teacher discounts and savings both at home and abroad. You can apply …
电子卡激活及使用 - ISIC国际学生证
ISIC App激活 通过手机应用商店下载ISIC App,从创建账户开始,输入欢迎邮件、实体卡,或者ISIC PASS中的“我的卡片”上的 名字 和 卡号,激活你的ISIC电子卡,并按照提示,创建登 …
The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student …
证件介绍 - ISIC国际学生证
国际学生证ISIC中国,旨在全球范围内为学生提供多种学术和生活优惠。 在中国办理ISIC,可享受数百项国内外的优惠和折扣。
ISIC 国际学生证 中国 - International Student Identity Card
ISIC国际学生证协会在中国全权授权机构,国际学生身份证 (ISIC)在全球范围内提供数千种折扣,并可进入全球学生社区。
歡迎來到ISIC 國際學生證 (ISIC) 國際學生證為全球通用的學生證明文件,為針對國內外就讀的學生設計的生活卡。國際學生證在台灣或是國外皆可享有包含餐飲、服飾、旅遊、娛樂等的成千上 …
International Student Identity Card - ISIC
ISIC card is the only internationally recognized proof of full-time student status endorsed by UNESCO. Get access to thousands of student discounts for shopping, culture, food and more …