ISO 10298:2018 - Gas cylinders — Gases and gas mixtures — …
ISO 10298:2018 lists the best available acute-toxicity data of gases taken from a search of the current literature to allow the classification of gases and gas mixtures for toxicity by inhalation.
ISO 10298:2018 (en), Gas cylinders — Gases and gas mixtures ...
Since the publication of the first edition of ISO 10298, this International Standard has been used for other purposes than the selection of cylinder valve outlets, e.g. providing toxicity data for …
ISO 10298:2018/Amd 1:2021
ISO 10298:2018/Amd 1:2021 Gas cylinders — Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of toxicity for the selection of cylinder valve outlets Amendment 1
DIN EN ISO 10298-2020 气瓶. 气体和气体混合物. 选择气瓶阀门出口的毒性测定 (ISO 10298 …
ISO 10298:2018 lists the best available acute-toxicity data of gases taken from a search of the current literature to allow the classification of gases and gas mixtures for toxicity by inhalation.
ISO 10298:2018-气瓶 - 气体和气体混合物 - 确定气瓶阀出口的毒 …
ISO 10298:2018 lists the best available acute-toxicity data of gases taken from a search of the current literature to allow the classification of gases and gas mixtures for toxicity by inhalation.
KS B ISO 10298-2012 (2017)-气体或气体混合物的毒性测定-国家数 …
KS B ISO 10298-2012 (2017)气体或气体混合物的毒性测定为了防止KS B ISO 5145适用带来的混沌,该标准说明了判定气体毒性及剧毒与否的试验方法。 计算方法用于在没有有效实验数据 …
ISO 10298:2018 气瓶-气体和气体混合物-确定毒性以选择气瓶阀口 …
ISO 10298:2018标准规定了用于确定气体和气体混合物毒性的方法,以便选择气瓶阀口出口。 该标准要求使用特定的毒性测试方法,包括急性毒性测试和慢性毒性测试。
ISO 10298 AMENDMENT 1 Gas cylinders — Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of toxicity for AMENDMENT
ISO 10298:2010 气体或混合气体的毒性测定 标准全文
2025年2月13日 · ISO 10298:2010的标准全文信息,气体或混合气体的毒性测定, Determination of toxicity of a gas or gas mixture, 提供ISO 10298:2010的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构 …
ISO 10298:2018/Amd 1:2021 (en)
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed …