ISO 11992 - Wikipedia
ISO 11992 (Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles) is a CAN-based vehicle bus standard by the International Organization for Standardization. It is used for communication between the …
The ISO 11992 series specifies the interchange of digital information between road vehicles with a maximum authorised total mass greater than 3 500 kg. The series also specifies digital information
ISO 11992-1:2019(en), Road vehicles ? Interchange of digital ...
The ISO 11992 series specifies the interchange of digital information between road vehicles with a maximum authorised total mass greater than 3 500 kg.
ISO 11992-1:2019 - Road vehicles — Interchange of digital …
Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles — Part 1: Physical and data-link layers. Convert Swiss francs (CHF) to your currency. This document describes the data link layer (DLL) and physical layer (PHY) for the two CAN-based network interfaces specified in the 11992-series.
ISO 11992-3:2021(en), Road vehicles ? Interchange of digital ...
The ISO 11992 series specifies the interchange of digital information between road vehicles with a maximum authorised total mass greater than 3 500 kg, and towed vehicles, including communication between towed vehicles in terms of parameters and requirements of the lower OSI layers (physical and data link layer) of the electrical connection ...
ISO 11992-1:2019 道路车辆 - 牵引车与牵引车之间电气连接的数字 …
5 天之前 · ISO 11992-1:2019的标准全文信息,本文档描述了 11992 系列中指定的两个基于 CAN 的网络接口的数据链路层 (DLL) 和物理层 (PHY)。 DLL 子条款由以下部分组成: ——DLL 协议实体要求; ——DLL设备接口要求; ——DLL 网络系统要求。 通常,物理信令子层在CAN协议控制器 …
BS ISO 11992-1:2019 公路车辆 牵引和被牵引车辆之间电气连接的 …
5 天之前 · iso 11992 ‑ 1 是多系列标准的第一部分,描述了 11992 系列中指定的两个基于 can 的网络接口的数据链路层 (dll) 和物理层 (phy)。 ISO 11992 ‑ 1 为您提供牵引车与被牵引车辆之间的通信指南,帮助
iso 11992中文 - CSDN文库
2023年7月1日 · ISO 11992是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一项标准,其全称为《道路车辆和拖车-控制和通信网络-串行通信-互连性-物理层和数据链路层》。 这个标准规定了车辆和拖车之间的控制和通信网络的物理层和数据链路层的要求。 ISO 11992所描述的物理层要求包括了通信线缆的连接、电气特性以及连接器的规范等。 这些要求旨在确保车辆和拖车之间的通信能够稳定可靠地进行,以使控制系统能够正常工作。 此标准还规定了通信线缆的标准化接口,从而保证了不同 …
ISO 11992-2:2023(en), Road vehicles ? Interchange of digital ...
powered by ISO ® Iniciar Sesión? ... Búsqueda-----Búsqueda. Resultados de la búsqueda. ×. ISO 11992-2:2023(en) ×. ISO 11992-2:2023(en) Road vehicles ? Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles ? Part 2: Application layer for brakes and running gear. Comprar.
ISO/DIS 11992-1 (en), Road vehicles — Interchange of digital ...
ISO 11992 series standard specifies the interchange of digital information between road vehicles with a maximum authorised total mass greater than 3 500 kg, and towed vehicles, including communication between towed vehicles in terms of parameters and requirements of the lower OSI layers (physical and data link layer) of the electrical ...