BT549细胞(人乳腺癌细胞)_思泰默细胞 - stemrecell.com
检测到4条标记染色体:iso(13q),10q+,del(X)(q22:),del(11)(p11:)。 生长特性为贴壁生长。 BT-549细胞源自一名72岁的白人女性乳腺导管癌患者的乳头状浸润性导管肿瘤,部分局部淋巴结已有转移。 细胞形态包括上皮样细胞及多核巨细胞,能分泌粘性物质。 将含有1mL BT-549细胞悬液的冻存管在37°C水浴中快速解冻,并加入5mL预热的培养基(如RPMI-1640 + 10% FBS)混合均匀。 在1000 RPM条件下离心5分钟,弃去上清液,补加4-6mL新鲜预热的培养 …
Genetic Abnormalities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Where …
Chromosomal abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are detected in up to 80% of patients. Among them, deletions of 11q, 13q, 17p, and trisomy 12 have a known prognostic value and play an important role in CLL pathogenesis and evolution, determining patients outcome and therapeutic strategies.
13q deletion syndrome - Wikipedia
13q deletion syndrome is a rare genetic disease caused by the deletion of some or all of the large arm of human chromosome 13. Depending upon the size and location of the deletion on chromosome 13, the physical and mental manifestations will vary. It has the potential to cause intellectual disability and congenital malformations that affect a ...
Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Myelodysplastic Syndromes: An …
Del(5q), –7/del(7q), +8 and –Y are among the most extensively studied cytogenetic abnormalities in MDS. The same applies for normal karyotype. There are hundreds of other rare cytogenetic abnormalities that have been reported in MDS, included but not limited to –X, 3q abnormalities, +13/del(13q), i(17q), +21/–21.
13q14 Deletion and Its Effect on Prognosis of Chronic Lymphocytic ...
Isolated 13q deletion is associated with a better prognosis and clinical outcomes. However, there is a wide range of variation in the clinical course and outcome even within 13q deletions, which is attributed to the anatomical variations associated with the deletion.
BT-549 - HTB-122 - ATCC
Four marker chromosomes are found: iso (13q), 10q+, del (X) (q22:), del (11) (p11:). The established population is polymorphic with epithelial like components and multinucleated giant cells.
Sf3b1-K700E 的表达加速了 Del(13q) 小鼠模型中慢性淋巴细胞白血 …
我们的研究表明,Sf3b1-K700E 的表达可以通过选择性 RNA 剪接和 mTORC1 激活加速基于 MDR 缺失小鼠模型的 CLL 的发展。这一发现支持在具有 SF3B1 突变和 del(13q) 的 CLL 患者亚群中使用 mTORC1 抑制剂和 RNA 剪接抑制剂。
del(13q) in myeloid malignancies - atlasgeneticsoncology.org
Deletions 13q occurs in lymphoid neoplasias : see del(13q) in non-Hodgkins lymphoma and del(13q) in chronic lymphoproliferative diseases. In myeloid disorders, the most frequently reported deletions affect chromosomes 5, 7 and 20 ( del(5q) , del(7q) , and del(20q) , but deletion of chromosome 13 is another relatively common aberration.
The 13q-syndrome: The molecular definition of a critical deletion …
Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the severely malformed 13q-phenotype results from the deletion of a critical region in 13q32. This region is presently defined as lying between D13S136 and D13S147 and is on the order of 1 Mb in size.
del (13q) - atlasgeneticsoncology.org
2004年3月1日 · In a large survey of 325 patients with CLL by FISH, del(13q) was the commonest genetic aberration, detected in 55% of cases, and correlated with the longest survival of 92 months. The subcategory of isolated del(13q) was also associated with the longest median survival time of 133 months.