ISO 14644-1:2015 (en), Cleanrooms and associated controlled ...
This part of ISO 14644 specifies the classification of air cleanliness in terms of concentration of airborne particles in cleanrooms and clean zones; and separative devices as defined in ISO 14644-7.
ISO 14644-1:2015 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled …
ISO 14644-1:2015 specifies the classification of air cleanliness in terms of concentration of airborne particles in cleanrooms and clean zones; and separative devices as defined in ISO …
ISO 14644-4:2022 (en), Cleanrooms and associated controlled ...
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments are classified for air cleanliness by particle concentration (ISO 14644-1). Cleanliness attributes relating to chemicals, nanoscale particles and viable particles (microorganisms), as well as cleanliness of surfaces, can also be considered.
ISO/AWI 14644-15 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled …
ISO 14644-15:2017 provides requirements and guidelines for assessing the chemical airborne cleanliness of equipment and materials which are foreseen to be used in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments which are linked to the ISO standard for cleanliness classes by chemical concentration (see ISO 14644‑8).
ISO 14644-1:2015 - Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés ...
ISO 14644-1:2015 spécifie la classification de la propreté de l'air des salles propres, des zones propres et des dispositifs séparatifs tels que définis dans l'ISO 14644‑7 en termes de concentration des particules en suspension dans l'air.
ISO 14644-15:2017 (en), Cleanrooms and associated controlled ...
This document provides requirements and guidelines for assessing the chemical airborne cleanliness of equipment and materials which are foreseen to be used in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments which are linked to the ISO standard for cleanliness classes by chemical concentration (see ISO 14644-8 ).
ISO 14644-16:2019 - Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés ...
Il intègre également le concept d'analyse comparative des performances pour l'évaluation des performances et la comparaison des efficacités énergétiques des salles propres, tout en maintenant les niveaux de performance aux exigences de l'ISO 14644 [2] [3].
ISO/AWI 14644-7 - Cleanrooms and associated controlled …
ISO 14644-7:2004 specifies the minimum requirements for the design, construction, installation, test and approval of separative devices, in those respects where they differ from cleanrooms …
ISO 14644-9:2012 (en), Cleanrooms and associated controlled ...
This part of ISO 14644 provides a classification for the determination and designation of surface cleanliness levels based on particle concentrations. This part of ISO 14644 also lists some methods of testing, as well as procedure (s) for determining the concentration of …
ISO 14644-4:2022 (fr), Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés ...
ISO 14644-7 propose des recommandations relatives à la conception, à la construction et aux exigences spécifiques des dispositifs séparatifs (postes à air propre, boîtes à gants, isolateurs et mini?environnements).