ISO 15489-1:2016 - Information and documentation — Records …
ISO 15489-1:2016 applies to the creation, capture and management of records regardless of structure or form, in all types of business and technological environments, over time.
Standards 15489 is designed of managing Technical as a self-contained resource. However, it is also part of a family in the Bibliography on a range and of aspects consulted the creation, for more successful and accou It establishes requirements for the following: eries of Inter Management ability by establishing a framewor tional Standards.
ISO 15489 Records management
ISO 15489 establishes the fundamental concepts and principles for creating, capturing, and managing records. This standard applies to records in any format, structure, or technological environment, regardless of time.
This part of ISO 15489 was developed in response to consensus among participating ISO member countries to standardize international best practice in records management using the Australian Standards AS 4390, Records management as its starting point.
ISO 15489-1:2016 Records Management Standard - studylib.net
ISO 15489-1:2016 standard for records management. Covers concepts, principles, systems, policies, appraisal, controls, and processes. Information management.
ISO/IEC 15486:1998
ISO/IEC 15486:1998 Information technology — Data interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges of type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using irreversible effects — Capacity: 2,6 Gbytes per cartridge
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 15489-1:2001), which has been technically revised. ISO 15489 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information and documentation — Records management: — Part 1: Concepts and principles — Part 2: Guidelines[Technical Report] iv© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved
ISO 15489-1:2016 (en), Information and documentation — …
This part of ISO 15489 establishes the core concepts and principles for the creation, capture and management of records. It sits at the heart of a number of International Standards and Technical Reports that provide further guidance and instruction on the concepts, techniques and practices for creating, capturing and managing records.
ISO 15489-1:2016-Records management - Pacific Certifications
ISO 15489-1:2016-Records management provides guidance on managing records for organizations in all sectors. This standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), outlines the best practices and benchmarks for records management policy, ensuring that documentary evidence and information are systematically ...
ISO/IEC 15486 - Information Technology - Data Interchange on …
This International Standard establishes extended-term storage conditions for optical discs and provides recommendations concerning the storage conditions, storage facilities, enclosures, and... A description is not available for this item. Find the …
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