ISO 20121:2024 Event sustainability management systems — …
What is ISO 20121? ISO 20121 is a beacon for sustainable event management, guiding organizations to seamlessly integrate sustainability into every facet of their event planning and execution. With a keen eye on social, economic, and environmental impacts, this standard is pivotal for events that aspire to leave a lasting positive legacy.
revise ISO 20121, Event sustainability management systems — Requirements with guidance for use. It has since been adopted by BSI as BS ISO 20121:2024. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a roadmap for our future, and BS ISO 20121:2024 provides a way of working which will enable the global event sector to show
ISO 20121 - Wikipedia
ISO 20121 (full name: ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems –- Requirements with guidance for use) is a voluntary international standard for sustainable event management, created by the International Organization for Standardization. The standard aims to help organizations improve sustainability throughout the entire event ...
ISO 20121 allows commitment to sustainability to be demonstrated in a globally recognized manner. Events based in different geographical locations around the world will experi-ence different sustainability issues, but they will all be able to implement the ISO 20121 framework.
ISO 20121 - Event Sustainability Management Systems - BSI
ISO 20121 equips you to optimize your resources, reduce costs and mitigate risks to the environment and local community. Identify ways to improve event planning and delivery to become more sustainable.
ISO/DIS 20121(en), Event sustainability management systems ...
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 20121:2012), which has been technically revised. The main changes are as follows: — the text, clause sequence and relevant definitions have been aligned with the harmonized structure for management system standards in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, 2022, Annex SL, Appendix 2;
质量标杆丨ISO 20121:2012《大型活动可持续性管理体系 要求及 …
iso 20121:2012《大型活动可持续性管理体系 要求及使用指南》为大型活动的可持续性管理提供体系框架和指南,它适用于参与大型活动设计和开展的所有类型和规模的组织,以及不同地理、文化和社会环境。
ISO 20121-經濟部產業發展署產業永續發展整合資訊網
2022年4月6日 · 國際標準組織(International Organization for Standardization, ISO)於2012年發布永續活動管理系統(Event sustainability management systems, ISO 20121),期望透過ISO 20121的導入,促使組織於活動辦理的同時,不僅達到活動辦理之目的與效果,更對於環境、社會與經濟的負面衝擊降到最低 ...
ISO 20121:2024-活动可持续发展管理系统 - 使用指南的要求-国家 …
2012年6月30日 · iso 20121:2024活动可持续发展管理系统 - 使用指南的要求本文件规定了任何类型的活动或活动相关活动的活动可持续性管理系统的要求,并提供了遵守这些要求的指导。
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 20121:2012), which has been technically revised. The main changes are as follows: — the text, clause sequence and relevant definitions have been aligned with the harmonized structure for management system standards in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, 2022, Annex SL, Appendix 2;
- 某些结果已被删除