不淬硬圆柱销 ISO 2338 - 1997 - 易紧通
公差 m6:Ra≤0.8 µm 公差 h8:Ra≤1.6 µm: 不允许有不规则的和有害的缺陷。 销的任何部位不得有毛刺。 ISO 3269: ① 其他材料由供需双方协议
BN 1208 - Parallel pins unhardened | Bossard Global
Parallel pins unhardened. Buy high quality products at Bossard Global – a world leading supplier of fastening technology.
Parallel pin ISO 2338 – 6 m6 × 30 – St EXAMPLE 2 An unhardened austenitic stainless steel pin of grade A1, with nominal diameter d = 6 mm, tolerance class m6
ISO2338 m6 Tolerance Parallel Dowel Pin - TR Fastenings
Sizes and availability for ISO2338 m6 Tolerance Parallel Dowel Pin in metric measurements, in Steel material
ISO - Free CAD models - Parallel pin, of unhardened steel and ...
Download Parallel pin, of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel. Available for SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, Creo, CATIA, Solid Edge, autoCAD, Revit and many more CAD software but also as STEP, STL, IGES, STL, DWG, DXF and more neutral CAD formats.
ISO 2338 Dowel Pins | Fastener Mart
ISO 2338 Dowel Pins, referred to as parallel pins, are headless solid cylindrical pins manufactured to a precise diameter. Used to align parts and function as hinge and wrist pins, roller bearings or as shafts, one end is chamfered (~15°) to facilitate insertion while the opposite end may be radiused or dimpled.
DIN 7 m6 - ISO 2338 - GB/T 119.1,圆柱销 - 不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢
本页面圆柱销产品以din 7/iso 2338常规供货为主,二者标准在尺寸方面可能存在差矣,若替代使用请咨询。 * 符合以下情形,需要与我司销售人员咨询: 如需订购其他近似标准产品,请咨询。
ISO 2338-2008 不淬硬圆柱销(d m6)-螺丝标准查询-紧固云
ISO 2338-2008,不淬硬圆柱销(d m6)规格表,ISO 2338-2008 不淬硬圆柱销(d m6)图纸及3D产品选型,紧固云找标准提供齐全的紧固件标准
购买ISO 2338 m6 不锈钢 A4,本色 - eshop.wurth.cn
安全又简便的在伍尔特 购买圆柱销,未硬化, iso 2338 a4 m6 本色不锈钢您的工业采购专家»找到你合适的产品 超过125000产品 定制采购账户 专属销售服务人员
ISO 2338 - Zylinderstifte Toleranzfeld m6 - Schraubenlexikon
Zylinderstifte Toleranzfeld m6 ISO 2338 (meist austauschbar mit DIN 7 Unterschied: Länge l nach ISO incl. Kuppen (nach DIN excl. Kuppen))