不淬硬圆柱销 ISO 2338 - 1997 - 易紧通
普通螺纹(一般用途米制螺纹)- 直径与螺距系列 (iso 261: 1998, mod) 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准! 告诉我在 “易紧通” 看到,将给您优惠
International Standard ISO 2338 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2338:1986),
圆柱销(不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢) DIN EN ISO 2338 - 易紧通
注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准! 材质:45#、GCr15、轴承钢、304、316;规格范围:M1.2-M30;表面处理: 洗光、磨光、高精度,特殊规格可咨询定做。 Hardened Cylindrical …
ISO 2338 Dowel Pins | Fastener Mart
ISO 2338 Dowel Pins, referred to as parallel pins, are headless solid cylindrical pins manufactured to a precise diameter. Used to align parts and function as hinge and wrist pins, roller bearings …
DIN ISO 2338B Dowel Pin - A1 Stainless - Fuller Fasteners
Choose a Diameter to see available Part List. Part details are displayed here after choosing Part#.
ISO 2338 ISO 2338 Dowel Pin, 300 Stainless A1 A2 18 8 304 310
2025年2月27日 · Dowel Pins are straight solid headless shear fasteners with chamfered ends to aid with insertion and alignment. Dowel pins, which can be straight, tapered, slotted, or …
ISO2338B h8 Unhardened Dowel Pins - Pinstructure Limited
ISO2338B Metric Unhardened Dowels are produced with a 'h8' push fit tolerance in Mild Steel and A2 Stainless Steel. Our standard metric size range is from 0.8mm up to 20mm diameter and …
DIN 7 h8 - ISO 2338 - GB/T 119.1,圆柱销 h8 - WASI
本页面非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母产品以DIN 7 h8 / ISO 2338常规供货为主,二者标准在尺寸方面可能存在差矣,若替代使用请咨询。 如需订购其他近似标准产品GB/T 119.1,请咨询。 本表所示 …
Dowel pins ISO 2338 - KIPP
Version: Steel, bright. Stainless steel bright. Note: The dowel pins comply with ISO 2338. Special features: Are you looking for CAD data? These can be found directly in the product table. …
不淬硬圆柱销 ISO 2338 - 1986 - 易紧通
普通螺纹(一般用途米制螺纹)- 直径与螺距系列 (iso 261: 1998, mod) 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准! 告诉我在 “易紧通” 看到,将给您优惠