INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2575:2021(E) Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales IMPORTANT — The electronic file of this document contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of the document. Users should therefore consider printing this document using a colour printer. 1 Scope
ISO 2575:2021 - Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators …
This document specifies symbols (i.e. conventional signs) for use on controls, indicators and tell-tales applying to passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses, to ensure identification and facilitate use. This document additionally describes the purpose and application for …
ISO 2575:2021 道路车辆. 控制器、指示器和信号装置用符号 标准 …
2 天之前 · ISO 2575:2021的标准全文信息,本文件规定了乘用车、轻型和重型商用车和公共汽车的控制装置、指示器和信号装置上使用的符号(即常规标志),以确保识别和方便使用。 本文档还描述了这些符号的目的和应用。 它还指示可能的光学信号装置的颜色,通知驾驶员相关设备的正确操作或故障。 This document specifi.
ISO 2575:2010 - Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators …
ISO 2575:2010 specifies symbols (i.e. conventional signs) for use on controls, indicators and tell-tales applying to passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses, to ensure identification and facilitate use.
ISO 2575:2021/Amd 1:2024-道路车辆.控制装置、指示器和信号装 …
2014年8月18日 · Specification for symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales for road vehicles. Print of symbols for reproduction purposes. Road vehicles. Location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in motor vehicles.
ISO 2575:2021 (en), Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, …
This ninth edition cancels and replaces the eight edition (ISO 2575:2010), which has been technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendments ISO 2575:2010/Amd.1:2011 , ISO 2575:2010/Amd.3:2014 , ISO 2575:2010/Amd.5:2016 , ISO 2575:2010/Amd.6:2017 and ISO 2575:2010/Amd.7:2017 .
ISO 2575:2021 - Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators …
ISO 2575:2021 - This document specifies symbols (i.e. conventional signs) for use on controls, indicators and tell-tales applying to passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses, to ensure identification and facilitate use.
- 评论数: 12
ISO - 2575 - Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, indicators and …
2021年9月1日 · This document specifies symbols (i.e. conventional signs) for use on controls, indicators and tell-tales applying to passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses, to ensure identification and facilitate use. This document additionally describes the purpose and application for the symbols.
ISO 2575 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 13, Ergonomics applicable to road vehicles. This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition (ISO 2575:2000), of which it constitutes a technical revision. It also incorporates the Amendments ISO 2575:2000/Amd.1:2001 and
ISO 2575:2010 (en), Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, …
ISO 2575 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 13, Ergonomics applicable to road vehicles. This eighth edition cancels and replaces the seventh edition (ISO 2575:2004), of which it constitutes a minor revision.