ISO 3574:2012(en), Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of …
ISO 3574 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 12, Continuous mill flat rolled products. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 3574:2008), which has been technically revised. This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities.
International Standard ISO 3574 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 12, Continuous mill flat rolled products. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3574:1986) which has been technically revised.
【正版】ISO-3574-2012 中文版 - 道客巴巴
2019年7月14日 · 更多相关文档 . TS 16949 2009 中文版正版扫描版 星级: 52 页 设置-正版Proe配置为简体中文版方法 星级: 3 页 ISO-3574-2012
ISO 3574 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, steel, Subcommittee SC 12, Continuous mill flat rolled products. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 3574:2008), which has been technically revised.
ISO 3574:2012 - Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial …
ISO 3074:2012 applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities. It is suitable for applications where the surface is of prime importance.
ISO 3574:2012 商用和拉制的冷轧碳素薄钢板 标准全文
2025年3月21日 · ISO 3574:2012的标准全文信息,本国际标准适用于商业和拉拔质量的冷轧碳钢板。 它适用于表面至关重要的应用。 This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qual
ISO 3574: 2012 商用和拉拔品质冷轧碳钢薄板 (中文版)
2017年5月27日 · iso 3574: 2012 商用和拉拔品质冷轧碳钢薄板 (中文版) 2017-05-27 09:04. ... iso 643:2012 钢—表观晶粒度的显微金相测定法 (2017-05-27. jis h5202-2010 铝合金铸件 ...
ISO 3574: 2012 商用和拉拔品质冷轧碳钢薄板 (中文版) 北京翻译公 …
ISO 3574: 2012. 标准名称 . ISO 3574: 2012 商用和拉拔品质冷轧碳钢薄板 (中文版) 英文名称 . Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities. 发布日期 . 2012-12-15. 实施日期 . 2012-12-15. 全文页数 . 15. 原版价格 .
ISO 3574:2012 - Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial …
2012年12月9日 · ISO 3574:2012 - ISO 3074:2012 applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities. It is suitable for applications where the surface is of prime importance.
- 评论数: 24
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3574:2012(E) Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities 1 Scope This International Standard applies to cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities. It is suitable for applications where the surface is of prime importance. 2 Normative references
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