International Standard ISO 3675 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28, Petroleum products and lubricants, subcommittee SC 3, Static petroleum measurement. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3675:1993), of which it constitutes a Technical revision. Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.
ISO 3675:1998 Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products ...
Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Laboratory determination of density — Hydrometer method. This publication was last reviewed and confirmed in 2021. Therefore this version remains current. Provide additional content; available for purchase; not included in the text of the existing standard.
ISO 3675:1998(en), Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum …
International Standard ISO 3675 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28, Petroleum products and lubricants, subcommittee SC 3, Static petroleum measurement. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition ( ISO 3675:1993 ), …
ISO 3675-1998原油和液体石油产品 实验室密度的测定 比重计法
本标准规定了使用玻璃石油密度计 (以下简称密度计)在实验室测定通常为液体的原油、石油产品以及石油产品和非石油产品混合物的20℃密度的方法。 这些液体的雷德蒸气压 (RVP)小于100 kPa。 本标准适用于测定易流动透明液体的密度,也可使用合适的恒温浴,在高于室温的情况下测定粘稠液体;还能用于不透明液体,读取液体上弯月面与密度计干管相切处读数,并用表1加以修正。 由于密度计的准确读数是在规定的温度下标定的,在其他温度下的刻度读数仅是密度计的读数 ( …
ISO 3675:1998 原油和液体石油产品 密度实验室测定 密度计法 标 …
2 天之前 · iso 3675:1998 本国际标准规定了使用玻璃比重计在实验室测定原油、液体石油产品以及通常作为液体处理的石油和非石油产品的混合物在 15℃下的密度的方法,其雷德蒸汽压为( RVP) 为 100 kPa 或更低。
ISO 3675 - Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products
This International Standard specifies a method for the laboratory determination, using a glass hydrometer, of the density at 15 °C of crude petroleum, liquid petroleum products, and mixtures of petroleum and nonpetroleum products normally handled as liquids and having a Reid vapour pressure (RVP) of 100 kPa or less.
BS EN ISO 3675-1998 - 道客巴巴
2017年3月1日 · BRITISH STANDARDBS EN ISO 3675:1998BS 2000-160:1998Methods of test for petroleum and its products — BS 2000-160: Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Laboratory determination of density — Hydrometer method (ISO 3675:1998) (Identical with IP 160:1999)The European Standard EN ISO 3675:1998 has the status of a British StandardICS ...
ISO 3675:1998 原油和液体石油产品——密度的实验室测定——比 …
1998年6月11日 · Определение плотности, относительной плотности и плотности в градусах API ареометром.
ISO 3675:1998原油和液体石油产品密度实验室测定法(密度计法)_ …
标准号:iso 3675:1998 标准中文名称: 原油和液体石油产品密度实验室测定法(密度计法) 标准翻译名称: Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products—Laboratory determination of density—Hydrometer method
ISO-3675 | Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products
This International Standard specifies a method for the laboratory determination, using a glass hydrometer, of the density at 15 °C of crude petroleum, liquid petroleum products, and mixtures of petroleum and non-petroleum products normally handled as liquids and having a Reid vapour pressure (RVP) of 100 kPa or less.
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