iso-4755-1983 - 道客巴巴
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【国家标准】 GB T 3-1997 普通螺纹收尾、肩距、退刀槽和倒角 标 …
GB%T3一1997前言本标准的第.1和.条分别等效采用了ISO3508:1976普通螺纹紧固件的螺纹收尾》和ISO4755:1983《紧固件-一IS米制外螺纹的螺纹退刀槽》本标准代替r‘B3一79第一章中的普通螺纹部分,删去了川3一79第二章中的米制锥螺纹内容。 米制锥螺纹部分将在以后的管螺纹收尾、肩距、退刀槽和倒角标准中统一考虑本标准与79年版旧标准相比主要变化如下:1.删去门fl标准外螺纹退刀槽的窄系列,使新标准的外螺纹退刀槽参数完个与相应的ISO标准相同:.删去了旧标准对 …
ISO 4755:1983 - Fasteners — Thread undercuts for external metric ISO …
Lays down the form and dimensions of undercuts for bolts, screws and similar externally threaded products, recommended for use in those cases where it is needed for components such as …
ISO 4755:1983 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/5085b015-9d88-4d4f-9cc8-ddf7817ff8d2/iso-4755-1983
普通螺纹收尾、肩距、退刀槽和倒角 (GB/T 3-1997 / ISO 3508:1976,ISO 4755…
1.1 外螺纹收尾和肩距的型式与尺寸按图 1 和表 1 的规定。 螺纹收尾的牙底圆弧半径不应小于对完整螺纹规定的最小牙底圆弧半径。 注:应优先选用“一般”长度的收尾和肩距;短”收尾和“短”肩距仅用于结构受限制的螺纹件上;产品等级为B 或C级的螺纹紧固件可采用“长”肩距。 1.2 外螺纹退刀槽的型式和尺寸按图 2 和表 2 的规定。 过度角(α)不应小于30°。 注: 1. d 为螺纹公称直径代号。 h12 ( d ≤ 3mm )。 1.3 外螺纹始端端面的倒角一般为 45°,也可采用 60°或 30°倒角;倒角深度 …
ISO 4755:1983 (en), Fasteners — Thread undercuts for external …
International Standard ISO 4755 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, and was circulated to the member bodies in December 1981. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds:
ISO 4755:1983 紧固件 ISO米制外螺纹用螺纹退刀槽 标准全文
ISO 4755:1983的标准全文信息,规定了螺栓、螺钉和类似外螺纹产品的底切的形式和尺寸,建议在需要插头等部件的情况下使用。
ISO 4755 - Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes
ISO 4755 - Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposesFasteners - Slot for external metric threads - ISO 4755 Dimensions
ISO 4755 - 1983-紧固件. ISO米制外螺纹用螺纹退刀槽- 易紧通
ISO米制外螺纹用螺纹退刀槽. ①, h12 up to and including 3 mm thread diameter. ②, g1 min. based on a minimum transition angle of 30℃.
ISO 4755 - Fasteners - Thread Undercuts for External Metric ISO …
Scope and field of application. This International Standard lays down the form and dimensions of thread undercuts for bolts, screws and similar externally threaded products, recommended for …