INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 5210:2023(E) Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator attachments 1 Scope This document specifies the requirements for the attachment of multi-turn actuators to valves. Throughout this document, “actuator” can be understood as “actuator and/or gearbox” providing a multi-turn and/or linear output. It ...
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 153, Valves. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5210:1991), which has been technically revised with the following changes: a) extension of flange sizes; b) introduction of groups C and D for assemblies capable of transmitting torque, in 7.4 and 7.5;
ISO 5210-2023中文 - 道客巴巴
2024年2月5日 · ISO 5210:2023(E) 中文版 PAGE:1 ©ISO2023–Allrightsreserved 工业阀门— 多回转阀门执行机构附件 (中文版) 2024年02月翻译 参考版本号: ISO 5210:2023(E) 第3版 2023-09 国际标准
ISO 5210-2017 工业阀门 多回转阀门驱动装置的连接(中文版)
ISO 5210-2017 (第 2 版〉国际标准化组织编号: XIV~06 国外阀门标准及相关标准汇编工业阀门一多回转阀门驱动装置的连接Industr ial· valves 回 ·Multi 圄 , turn valve actuator attachment 尹玉杰译王崇恕校沈阳译标科技有限公司阀门标准信息中心 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读 ...
ISO 5210:2017 Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator …
ISO 5210:2017 specifies the requirements for the attachment of multi-turn actuators to valves. Throughout this document, "actuator" may be understood as "actuator and/or gearbox" providing a multi-turn and/or linear output.
ISO/DIS 5210(en), Industrial valves ? Multi-turn actuator …
interface (see ISO 5210) 6: interface (see ISO 5210) 3: valve: 7: multi-turn actuator: 4: intermediate support : 1 Scope. This document specifies the requirements for the attachment of multi-turn actuators to valves. Throughout this document, “actuator” can be understood as “actuator and/or gearbox” providing a multi-turn and/or linear ...
ISO 5210:2017 通用阀门.多回转阀门驱动装置的连接 标准全文
2025年3月22日 · ISO 5210:2017的标准全文信息,通用阀门.多回转阀门驱动装置的连接, Industrial valves - Multi-turn valve actuator attachments, 提供ISO 5210:2017的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PDF)以及下
ISO 5210-2017工业阀门多回转阀门驱动装置的连接CHN和ISO …
2020年3月14日 · bs en iso 5210-2017 工业阀门.多回转阀门执行器附件 星级: 25 页 bs en iso 5210-2017 通用阀门.多回转阀门驱动装置的连接 星级: 26 页 工业阀门和执行器 星级: 10 页 工业阀门-部分回转执行器附件 ...
ISO 5210:2023 - Industrial valves - iTeh Standards
ISO 5210:2023 - This document specifies the requirements for the attachment of multi-turn actuators to valves. Throughout this document, “actuator” can be understood as “actuator and/or gearbox” providing a multi-turn and/or linear output.
- 评论数: 16
ISO 5210:2023 Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator …
Throughout this document, “actuator” can be understood as “actuator and/or gearbox” providing a multi-turn and/or linear output. It specifies: — flange dimensions necessary for the attachment of actuators to industrial valves [see Figure 1 a)] or to intermediate supports [see Figure 1 b)];
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