International Standard ISO 5778 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 8, Structures. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5778:1979), of which it constitutes a technical revision.
ISO 5778:1998 Ships and marine technology — Small …
This International Standard specifies the main dimensions, location and number of fittings, materials and quality of manufacture for small weathertight steel hatches for application on board ships in order to ensure interchangeability of the hatches. The remaining dimensions are left to the manufacturer.
ISO 5778:1998 船舶与海上技术 钢质小型风雨密舱口 标准
2024年11月28日 · 本国际标准规定了船上使用的小型风雨密钢舱口的主要尺寸、位置和配件数量、材料和制造质量,以确保舱口的互换性。 其余尺寸留给制造商。 舱口适用于装载操作以及进入储藏室和干货舱。 该舱口不适合作为进入任何类型储罐的通道,并且不得用作逃生舱口。 这些舱口通常符合 1966 年国际载重线公约 (LLC66) 的要求。 必须针对每种情况考虑应用位置 1 和位置 2 的可能性,并且必要时,舱口盖应提供额外的加固。 注:本国际标准的使用者应注意,在遵守 …
ISO 5778:1998-船舶与海洋技术——小型防风雨钢舱口 -国家数字 …
iso 5778:1998船舶与海洋技术——小型防风雨钢舱口 本国际标准规定了船用小型耐候钢舱口的主要尺寸、位置和配件数量、材料和制造质量,以确保舱口的互换性。
ISO 5778:1998 - Ships and marine technology - iTeh Standards
ISO 5778:1998 - This International Standard specifies the main dimensions, location and number of fittings, materials and quality of manufacture for small weathertight steel hatches for application on board ships in order to ensure interchangeability of the hatches.
- 评论数: 12
ISO 5778-1998 - 道客巴巴
2017年3月14日 · AReference numberISO 5778:1998(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO5778Second edition1998-08-15Ships and marine technology — Smallweathertight steel hatchesNavires et ...
(高清正版) ISO 5778-1998 - 道客巴巴
(正版标准) iso 5778-1998 星级: 12 页 (高清正版) iso 4042 星级: 32 页 (高清正版) iso 3269 星级: 28 页 (高清正版) iso 7090 星级: 14 页 暂无目录. . 点击鼠标右键菜单,创建目录 ...
PDF Download ISO 5778:1998: Ships and Marine Technology: …
ISO 5778:1998 is an international standard that specifies the dimensions, fittings, materials, and quality of manufacture for small weathertight steel hatches used on ships. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that these hatches are interchangeable and suitable for loading operations and providing access to storage compartments and dry ...
DIN EN ISO 5778-船舶和海上技术.小型防风雨钢舱口(ISO 5778-1998);德文版EN ISO 5778…
iso 5778-1998 Ships and marine technology — Small weathertight steel hatches 船舶与海洋技术——小型防风雨钢舱口 1998-08-27
ISO 5778:1998(en), Ships and marine technology ? Small …
International Standard ISO 5778 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 8, Structures. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition ( ISO 5778:1979 ), of which it constitutes a technical revision.
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