ISO 7040 - 1997-1型六角尼龙锁紧螺母 5、8、10级- 易紧通
iso 7040 - 2012 1型 非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 性能等级:5、8、10级 Prevailing Torque Type Hexagon Regular Nuts (with Non-Metallic Insert) - Property Classes 5, 8 and 10
International Standard ISO 7040 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, subcommittee SC 1, Mechanical properties of fasteners. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7040:1983), which has been technically revised. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
ISO 7040-2012 - 道客巴巴
iso 7040-2012 [高清版] 星级: 10 页 BS EN ISO 7040-2012 常用扭矩型六角规则螺母(带非金属插入).性能等级5,8和10
ISO 7040 - Prevailing torque nuts with nonmetalic insert
Current norm: DIN EN ISO 7040, 10512 Equivalent norms: DIN 982; CSN 021492; UNI 7473; Send Inquiry. Buy ISO 7040; Technical information; 3D model; Inquiries; Overstock; Company City Country Company profile; TOP LUSAVOUGA - Hardware and Tools: Cacia: Portugal: See Detail: TOP Lectoe Engineering Fasteners Ltd:
ISO 7040:2012 - Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with …
ISO 7040:2012 specifies the characteristics of prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non-metallic insert) with threads from M3 up to and including M36, in product grade A for threads up to and including M16 and product grade B for threads above M16, …
【正版】ISO 7040-2012 中文版 - 道客巴巴
2019年8月11日 · 更多相关文档 . iso 7040-2012 星级: 10 页 bs en iso 7040-2012 星级: 14 页 bs en iso 7040-2012 星级: 13 页 iso 7040-2012 [高清版]
ГОСТ ISO 7040-2014-现有扭矩型六角正常螺母(带非金属插入 …
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает характеристики гаек шестигранных самостопорящихся (с неметаллической вставкой) с резьбой от M3 до M36, класса точности А для резьбы до М16 мм включительно и класса точности В для резьбы свыше М16, и …
ISO 7040:1997 有效力矩型六角螺母(非金属嵌件)1型 性能等级5、8和10级 …
2025年3月12日 · 本国际标准规定了通用扭矩型六角螺母(带非金属嵌件),类型 1,螺纹从 M3 至 M36,产品等级 A(螺纹至 M16)和产品等级 B(螺纹)的特性。 M16 以上,性能等级为 5,8 和 10。 注:螺母的尺寸对应于 ISO 4032 中给出的尺寸加上现行扭矩特性。 如果需要其他规范,应从现有国际标准中选择,例如 ISO 261、ISO 965-2、ISO 2320 和 ISO 4759-1。 ISO 7040:2012 有效力矩型六角螺母 (非金属嵌件) 1型.
KS B ISO 7040-2008(2023)-1型常用扭矩型六角螺母(带非金属嵌 …
2008年12月11日 · 该标准规定,作为类型1、M3~M36的螺钉,M16为产品等级A,超过M16为产品等级B及强度区分5、8及10的预贝林扭矩型6角螺母(非金属嵌件)。 备注这些螺母的尺寸与自由扭矩形式一起在ISO 4032中给出。 如果需要其他规定,请从现有标准中选择,例如ISO261、ISO965-2、KSB ISO2320和ISO4759-1。 이 표준은 유형 1, M3∼M36의 나사로서 M16까지는 제품 등급 A, M16을 초과하는 경우는 제품 등급B 및 강도 구분 5, 8 및 10인 프리베일링 토크형 6각 …
ISO 7040:2012(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been