ISO 7047 - Cross recessed raised countersunk head screws
ISO 7047 - Cross recessed raised countersunk head screws Current norm: DIN EN ISO 7047 Equivalent norms: DIN 966; CSN 021156; PN 82212; UNI 7689;
ISO 7047 - 2011-十字槽半沉头螺钉- 易紧通
din en iso 7047 - 2011 H型或Z型十字槽半沉头螺钉(通用头型)- 产品等级A级 Raised Countersunk Head Screws (Common Head Style) with Type H or Type Z Cross Recess - …
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ISO 7047
ISO 7047 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee SC 11, Fasteners with metric external thread. This third edition cancels and replaces the second …
ISO 7047:2011 - Raised countersunk head screws (common head …
ISO 7047:2011 specifies the characteristics of countersunk raised head screws of product grade A, with threads from M1,6 to M10 inclusive and with type H or type Z cross recess.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO Raised countersunk head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess — Product grade A 1 Scope This International Standard …
DIN EN ISO 7047-代替 DIN 966-十字槽半沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级(ISO 7047…
·可提供8万余种紧固件,常备库存超1万吨,年销售100亿件。 ·可提供包括国标、欧标、美标、澳标和日标等各类标准的产品。 ·可提供从栓、帽、垫到钉、销、键等11个大类的紧固件产品。 …
DIN EN ISO 7047 - 2011-H型或Z型十字槽半沉头螺钉(通用头 …
b)不锈钢,强度等级 (材料):A2-50,A2-70. 标准ISO 3506-1. 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准!
ISO 7047:2011-H型或Z型十字槽凸沉头螺钉(普通头型)——产品 …
2011年8月26日 · ISO 7047:2011 specifies the characteristics of countersunk raised head screws of product grade A, with threads from M1,6 to M10 inclusive and with type H or type Z cross …
ISO 7047 - 2011-十字槽半沉頭螺釘- 易緊通
din en iso 7047 - 2011 H型或Z型十字槽半沉頭螺釘(通用頭型)- 產品等級A級 Raised Countersunk Head Screws (Common Head Style) with Type H or Type Z Cross Recess - …
ISO 7047 - Fasten.one
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of cross recessed raised countersunk head screws with thread sizes from M 1,6 to M 10 inclusive. If other specifications are …