ISO 7308:1987 Road vehicles — Petroleum-based brake-fluid for …
Road vehicles — Petroleum-based brake-fluid for stored-energy hydraulic brakes. This publication was last reviewed and confirmed in 2021. Therefore this version remains current. Convert Swiss francs (CHF) to your currency.
ISO 7308:1987, Road vehicles - Petroleum-based brake-fluid …
2007年8月23日 · ISO 7308:1987, Road vehicles - Petroleum-based brake-fluid for stored-energy hydraulic brakes [International Organization for Standardization] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 7308 : 1987 (E) Road vehicles - Petroleum-based brake-fluid for stored-energy hydraulic brakes 1 Scope This International Standard lays down the characteristics and test methods for petroleum-based brake-fluids used in the hydraulic brake Systems of road vehicles.
ISO 7308:1987(en) - ISO - International Organization for …
International Standard ISO 7308 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles. Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated.
ISO 7308:1987(en), Road vehicles ? Petroleum-based brake-fluid …
ISO 7308:1987 (en), Road vehicles ? Petroleum-based brake-fluid for stored-energy hydraulic brakes. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees.
ISO 7308:1987 道路车辆 储能液压制动用的石油基制动液 标准全文
2025年1月16日 · iso 7308:1987 指定的制动液适用于配备橡胶杯和密封件(丁二烯-丙烯腈共聚物或等效物)的道路车辆制动系统。 适用于配备泵的液压制动系统;它也可以用于其他没有泵的系统。
ISO 7308 - Road Vehicles - Petroleum-Based Brake-Fluid for …
This specification details the requirements of a high viscosity index, semi-synthetic fluid intended primarily for use and hydraulic actuation purposes in electro-hydraulic... A description is not available for this item. Find the most up-to-date version of ISO 7308 at GlobalSpec.
ISO 7308-1987|道路车辆.储能液压制动用的石油基制动液-重卡和 …
ISO 7308-1987 现行: 中文名称: 道路车辆.储能液压制动用的石油基制动液: 英文名称: Road vehicles -- Petroleum-based brake-fluid for stored-energy hydraulic brakes: 标准组织 【ISO】 国际标准化组织标准: 语种: 英法双语: CCS分类 【E39】液压油液: ICS分类
【正版授权】 ISO 7308:1987 EN Road vehicles - Petroleum-based …
iso 7308:1987 是一个关于道路车辆的国际标准,它规定了基于石油的储能液压制动液的规格和要求。 以下是对该标准的详细解释:该标准主要关注用于存储能量液压制动系统的石油基制动液的性能和安全要求。
ISO 7308:1987 道路车辆——储能液压制动器用石油基制动液 -中 …
ISO 7308:1987道路车辆——储能液压制动器用石油基制动液 规定的制动液用于配有橡胶杯和密封件(丁二烯-丙烯腈共聚物或等效物)的道路车辆制动系统。 用于配备泵的液压制动系统;它也可用于其他无泵系统。 不适用于在北极条件下使用。
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