ISO 7950:1985 Woodworking machines — Single chain mortising …
Specifies geometrical tests for single chain mortising machines for general purpose use and normal accuracy, gives the corresponding permissible deviation and furthermore the …
ISO 7950:1985(en) - ISO - International Organization for …
This International Standard specifies the nomenclature appropriate to each part of the machine and, with reference to ISO/R 230, the geometrical tests for single chain mortising machines, and gives the corresponding permissible deviations which apply to machines for general purpose use and normal accuracy.
GSO ISO 7950:2013 - Standards Store - GCC Standardization …
This International Standard specifies the nomenclature appropriate to each part of the machine and, with reference to ISO/R 230, the geometrical tests for Single chain mortising machines, …
国际标准 ISO 7950:1985 EN Woodworking machines - 原创力文档
2025年1月10日 · 国际标准 ISO 7919-2:1996 EN 非往复式机器的机械振动 旋转轴的测量和评估标准 第2部分:大型陆基蒸汽涡轮发电机组 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines — Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria — Part 2: Large land-based steam turbine generator sets.pdf
ISO 7950-1985 木工机械 单链链式榫槽机 术语和验收条件 …
《ISO 7950-1985》 木工机械 单链链式榫槽机 术语和验收条件 Woodworking machines; Single chain mortising machines; Nomenclature and acceptance conditions Specifies geometrical tests for single chain mortising machines for general purpose use and normal accuracy, gives the corresponding permissible deviation and furthermore the ...
ISO 7950:1985 木工机械 单链链式榫槽机 术语和验收条件 标准
ISO 7950:1985,Specifies geometrical tests for single chain mortising machines for general purpose use and normal accuracy, gives the corresponding permissible deviation and furthermore the nomenclature appropriate to each part of the machine in English and French as well as the equivalent terms in German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish.
ISO 7950-1985 木工机械 单链链式榫槽机 术语和验收条件
标准号:ISO 7950-1985 中文标准名称:木工机械 单链链式榫槽机 术语和验收条件 英文标准名称:Woodworking machines; Single chain mortising machines; Nomenclature and acceptance conditions 标准类型:J65 发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 中国标准分类号:J65
ISO 7950:1985 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/f33f8150-203d-4b2f-9e87-13ed413d303c/iso-7950-1985
ISO - ISO 7950:1985 - Woodworking machines — Single chain …
Woodworking machines — Single chain mortising machines — Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
ISO 7950 - Woodworking Machines - Single Chain Mortising …
Document History ISO 7950 January 1, 1985 Woodworking Machines - Single Chain Mortising Machines - Nomenclature and Acceptance Conditions