《金属和合金的腐蚀 腐蚀试样上腐蚀产物的清除 编制说明》
2024年12月5日 · 本标准等同采用国际标准 iso 8407:2021,与被修订的国家标准gb/t 16545-2015 相比,在化学清洗方法上,增加了 11 个新化学药品配方,删除了 3 个不太适用的化学药品配方,新增了钛及钛合金的化学清洗方法以及不锈钢电解清洗方法,增加了部分备注信息。
ISO 8407:2021 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Removal of …
This document specifies procedures for the removal of corrosion products formed on metal and alloy corrosion test specimens during their exposure in corrosive environments. For the purpose of this document, the term "metals" refers to pure metals and alloys.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8407:2021(E) Corrosion of metals and alloys — Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens WARNING — Safety rules for personnel: handling of the solutions used for the removal of corrosion products shall be left to skilled personnel or conducted under their control. The
ISO8407-2009金属和合金的耐腐蚀性.腐蚀试样中腐蚀生成物的清 …
ISO 8407 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys. This second edition cancels and replaces the firபைடு நூலகம்t edition (ISO 8407:1991), which has been technically revised.
ISO 8407 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8407:1991), which has been technically revised.
ISO 8407:2021(en), Corrosion of metals and alloys ? Removal of ...
For the purpose of this document, the term “metals” refers to pure metals and alloys. The specified procedures are designed to remove all corrosion products without significant removal of base metal. This allows an accurate determination of the mass loss of the metal, which occurred during exposure to the corrosive environment.
ISO 8407:2021/DAmd 1(en), Corrosion of metals and alloys
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 8407:2009), which has been technically revised. The main changes compared with the previous edition are as follows:?
ISO 8407:2021 金属和合金的腐蚀——从腐蚀试样中去除腐蚀产物
3 天之前 · ISO 8407:2021 发布 2021年 总页数 17页 发布单位 国际标准化组织 替代标准 ISO 8407:2021/Amd 1:2025 当前最新 ISO 8407:2021/Amd 1:2025 适用范围 本文件规定了金属和合金腐蚀试验样品在暴露于腐蚀环境中时形成的腐蚀产物的去除程序。就本文件而言,“金属”一词是指 …
BS EN ISO 8407:2021-金属和合金的腐蚀 从腐蚀试样中去除腐蚀产 …
2009年11月30日 · BS EN ISO 8407:2021金属和合金的腐蚀 从腐蚀试样中去除腐蚀产物本文件规定了去除金属和合金上形成的腐蚀产物的程序 暴露在腐蚀环境中的腐蚀试样。 为了这个目的 文件中,术语“金属”指纯金属和合金。 购买本文件时可获得的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
ISO 8407:2021 金属和合金的腐蚀 - 从腐蚀试样中去除腐蚀产物-中 …
ISO 8407:2021金属和合金的腐蚀 - 从腐蚀试样中去除腐蚀产物本文件规定了金属和合金腐蚀试样在腐蚀环境中暴露期间,去除腐蚀产物的程序。 在本文件中,术语“金属”指纯金属和合金。 规定的程序旨在去除所有腐蚀产物,而不会显著去除基底金属。 这允许准确测定暴露在腐蚀性环境中时金属的质量损失。 在某些情况下,这些程序也适用于金属涂层,前提是考虑了基底可能产生的影响。
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