BOUNDS—Define Boundary Columns - IBM
The BOUNDS line command provides an alternative to setting the boundaries with the BOUNDS primary command or macro command; the effect on the member or data set is the same.
BOUNDS—Set or Query the Edit Boundaries - IBM
The BOUNDS macro command sets the left and right boundaries and saves them in the edit profile. The BOUNDS assignment statement sets or retrieves the left and right boundaries and …
BOUNDS—Control the Edit Boundaries - IBM
The BOUNDS primary command provides an alternative to setting the boundaries with the BOUNDS line command or macro command; the effect on the member or data set is the same.
Use of BOUNDS command - TSO & ISPF - IBM Mainframe Forum
2008年11月5日 · The column limits of BOUNDS restrict the operation of FIND, CHANGE, SHIFT and other commands to only the columns within the bounds. Change the BOUNDS by …
User Edit Profile - TSO-ISPF Tutorial - IBMMainframer
User Profile Edit Overview: Edit profiles are used to retain information that controls your edit session for a dataset, including. The current setting of edit modes (NUMBER, CAPS, NULLS, …
Primary Commands - TSO-ISPF Tutorial - IBMMainframer
Following are the list of commands that can be performed on a Dataset or Member of a PDS: BOUNDS: To set the left and right bounds. CANCEL: To cancel edit without saving the data. …
ISPF EDIT MACROS | F1 for Mainframe
2011年4月7日 · To change the BOUNDS settings: Delete a < or > character. The < character shows the left BOUNDS setting and the > character shows the right BOUNDS setting. Move …
Usage of BNDS command on the Line Command - IBM Mainframe …
2006年8月4日 · Type BNDS or BND in the line command area of any line and press ENTER. The bounds line will then be displayed as follows. bound and > to define the right bound. To …
ISPF : Tip Of The Day - IBM Mainframe Community
For example "BNDS 10 30" sets the bounds as between 10 and 30. This can be reset by issuing "BNDS" again on the command line. As Bonniem suggested, bnds 1 7 is a better choice. I've …
2012年3月13日 · ISPF COMMANDS – SORT, LOCATE, RESET, FLIP, COMPARE. SORT sorts data, observing bounds. The entire record is subject to sorting unless bounds are set. If …