2025年1月10日 · 思凯乐重装徒步挑战赛从2024年3月始发,已成功举办了六站赛事,开创了百人重装徒步的先河,抒写了中国重装徒步文旅融合的新实践。 “重装徒步”在中国曾经是一代老驴负重行走山河的深刻见证,在历史的长河中,重装却因为不能承受其“重”变得小众,2024年,思凯乐全国发起重装徒步挑战赛,从云南、四川、新疆等地经典重装线路再出发,唤起了一代人的重装情节,也激活了新世代对重装徒步新体验的新兴趣。 2024年随着中国游(China Travel)的“含金 …
Munich | ISPO.com
Discover the highlights of ISPO Munich 2024: Find out which program items, inspiring speakers, top brands, topic-specific hubs and top-class conferences were in focus - these highlights were an absolute must!
ISPO Beijing 2025
Explore the latest trends, innovations and market insights at the leading multi-segment sports exhibition in Asia, ISPO Beijing. The trade fair will take place in JANUARY 2025 at the China National Convention Center (CNCC) in Beijing.
ISPO Award: These are the winners
Evaluated and selected by the ISPO Award expert jury, these pioneering sports products have made it onto the podium. The award-winning products are divided into segments for the sake …
户外装备趋势的风向标!历经50年风雨的ISPO展 - 知乎
诞生于1970年德国慕尼黑的ISPO Munich户外展(慕尼黑国际体育用品与运动时尚博览会),到2020年,走过了半个世纪的历程。 成为世界上极具规模和影响力综合性户外和体育用品展览,也成为国内户外圈大佬和老炮们每年都去的两大户外展会之一。 国内户外圈大佬和老炮们每年都去两个展会:第一个是ISPO,另外一个是美国的OR展。 相对于OR展偏向于北美市场,欧洲品牌参与相对较少。 在户外运动历史更为悠久的欧洲诞生ISPO更像是全球户外展商的盛会,除了欧洲 …
全球户外圈的奥斯卡,带你了解ISPO Award户外服饰和装备年度大奖
2024年7月31日 · SOCK-TIT PLUS科技是SCARPA推出的一项对鞋体设计的革新,综合功能性、灵活性及舒适性三方面的需求,大量应用高弹力的Scholler S-tech面料,改良常规的帮面尤其是鞋舌部位的结构,取消鞋面材料的折叠而对脚背产生压迫感的设计,使得厚实、强调保护的靴体,获得类似“袜子”般的包裹性又不产生束缚感。 鞋身细节介绍 鞋面结构:SOCKFIT PLUS。 内衬:PRIMALOFT+ OUTDRY。
ISPO-accredited P&O training programmes worldwide with 5000+ qualified graduates. ISPO brings together professionals, users, associations, organisations, and institutions from over 100 countries worldwide, with an interest in prosthetics, orthotics, wheelchairs, assistive devices, rehabilitation engineering, and related topics.
Cirql Zero™ Wins Esteemed ISPO BrandNew Award in the …
Cirql™ has won the ISPO BrandNew Award in the sustainability category for its latest innovation, Cirql Zero™ – an industrially compostable, biodegradable foam for footwear midsoles.
Cirql Zero™ wins ISPO BrandNew award in sustainability category
This innovative material won the prestigious ISPO BrandNew Award in the sustainability category, the prize recognised for innovative and creative new brands in the sports and outdoor industry whose products demonstrate their ability to push the boundaries of their sectors by introducing new materials, technologies and sustainable practices.
Water emulsion acrylic adhesive with excellent workability and superior grip for laying carpet floorings (with latex or natural jute backing), needle felt textile flooring, felt backed vinyl floorings, woven carpet and latex-backed coconut fiber floorings on absorbent substrates. ISPOCRYL 2 is a low VOC content product. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.