Contact the ISS - ARISS
Some ISS crew members make random, unscheduled, amateur radio voice contacts with earth-bound radio amateurs, often called "hams". They can make radio contacts during their breaks, pre-sleep time and before and after mealtime. Astronauts have contacted thousands of hams around the world.
Amateur Radio on the ISS - AMSAT
Amateurs from the ISS partner countries, in the USA, Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada, have set up the ARISS program to foster amateur radio communications between the astronauts and cosmonauts who reside on the station and stations on the ground.
Current Status of ISS Stations - ARISS
For up-to-the-minute reports of station status as reported by active hams around the world, refer to the ISS-FM and ISS-DATA lines on the AMSAT OSCAR Satellite Status page.
ISS Frequencies – ISS FAN CLUB – for Fans of ISS and Space …
Amateur Radio Frequencies – please note: only one mode active at a time *** Current Status of ISS Stations *** FM VOICE for ITU Region 1: Europe-Middle East-Africa-North Asia
How to hear the ISS - AMSAT-UK
If you don’t have an amateur radio receiver you can still listen to the ISS by using an Online Radio, also known as a WebSDR. Select a Frequency of 145800.0 kHz and Mode FM: • Farnham WebSDR when ISS is in range of London http://farnham-sdr.com/ • R4UAB WebSDR when ISS is over Russia http:// websdr.r4uab.ru /
Ham Radio – ISS FAN CLUB – for Fans of ISS and Space Exploration
Running for AMSAT Argentina SSTV Award. What is Ham Radio? Ham Radio is… 2020, 20th anniversary ARISS! REMEMBER, WE’RE PIONEERS! The First School Contact with the International Space Station. 20 years of ARISS! Where is the ISS ? Where is the ISS now? TRACK the ISS and SATS home view! Welcome to the new ISS Fan Club! Where is the ISS ?
ARISS - Home
ARISS is the group that puts together special amateur radio contacts between students around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses on the International Space Station (ISS) and develops and operates the amateur radio equipment on ISS.
Working the International Space Station (ISS) - W6AER
6 天之前 · If you are already interested in ham radio satellites, especially packet radio or Satellite DXing, check out this video on the Greencube (IO-117). International Space Station: An insight into the history, development,...
ARISS | Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
ARISS is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory and National ...
ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated - AMSAT-UK
2020年9月2日 · It will enable new, exciting capabilities for ham radio operators, students, and the general public. Capabilities include a higher power radio, voice repeater, digital packet radio (APRS) capabilities and a Kenwood VC-H1 slow scan television (SSTV) system.