Second-Order Mean Wave Forces And Moments On Issc TLP In …
1992年6月14日 · As more oil and gas reserves are discovered in deep water than ever before, the offshore industry has become increasingly interested in the design of advanced deep-water compliant platforms such as Tension leg platforms (TLP) and Deep-Draft Floaters (DDF).
The main parameters of ISSC TLP [43]. - ResearchGate
To verify that inclined tension legs can improve the stability of the tension leg platform, this paper established the dynamic equation of a tension leg platform (TLP) under marine environmental...
Table 1 Specifications of the ISSC TLP in depth of 230 m
Tendons vertically moor Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs), thus, a deep understanding of physical tendon stresses requires the determination of the total axial deformation of the tendons, which is a...
Computer Aided Reliability Based Hydro-Structural Response Analysis …
The principal particulars of the ISSC TLP are discussed in detail. Some important design parameters that influence significantly the configuration of TLPs are outlined in Chapter 1. A complete global analysis of a TLP includes many analytical and empirical methods where some of them are fairly standard but some other may not be well defined.
specifications of ISSC TLP in depth of 230 m [12] - ResearchGate
Stability of Tension Leg Platforms (TLP) is sensitive to tendons situations. Therefore, behavior and exact calculation of stiffness matrix of TLP is important for dynamic analysis...
The Computation Of Second-Order Mean And Double-Frequency …
1995年6月1日 · In this paper, the second-order mean and double-frequency wave loads on the ISSC TLP in regular waves are investigated. The second-order wave loads on the compliant (massless-spring-supported) TLP are compared with those on the stationary TLP in order to see the effect of body motions.
The tension leg platform (TLP) configuration in this report comes from the case study of the International Ship Structures Committee (ISSC) Derived Loads Committee 1.2 in 1985. At first a rigid body TLP model (Model 1) was created to compare wave force and response results with those published by the ISSC Committee.
有限位移下张力腿平台的非线性动力响应 - cstam.org.cn
The numerical analysis of a typical tension leg platform named ISSC TLP is performed. The nonlinear dynamic responses of the platform in regular waves with six degrees of freedom are acquired. The degenerative linear solution of the proposed …
Ringing of ISSC TLP Due to Laboratory Storm Seas
1998年6月1日 · A strong asymmetric wave is generated by a control in an irregular wave train of a laboratory high sea. The measured forces of the ISSC TLP model due to such asymmetric waves, and second-order theoretical forces, are used to simulate nonlinear responses including springing and …
Stability Analysis of a TLP with Inclined Tension Legs under ... - MDPI
2022年7月31日 · There is a significant difference in tendon tensions between the atypical TLP with inclined tension legs established in this study and the typical International Ship and Offshore Structures Committee (ISSC) TLP.