Maverick Flying Car - ITEC | Develop | Train | Equip
The Maverick is a fully road legal, FAA certified flying car. 190 HP, Fuel Injected, 2.5 Liter Subaru Engine. 0 to 60 mph in about 3.9 seconds and will go over 100 mph on the ground.
I-TEC Maverick - Wikipedia
Capable of interstate speeds on pavement, the Maverick's dune buggy-like frame of chromoly tubing gives it the ability to be used off-road. Additionally, the vehicle can deploy a parafoil and fly as a powered parachute. It weighs about 1100 pounds and has a useful carrying capacity equivalent to a Cessna 172 (fuel and 550 pounds cargo).
The Maverick Flying Car - ITEC | Develop | Train | Equip
A true flying car, the Maverick featured a dual-drive system so the steering and acceleration used the same controls on the ground as they did in the air. This project included numerous innovations from our engineering team, and they even won a Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award …
Technik die ausgereift ist! Der kleine Flitzer. Perfekt geeignet für die Stadt - 100% Elektro. Das perfekte Kleinfahrzeug für Kommunen und Hotelleriebetriebe.
Flying Car - Maverick 2 - YouTube
2010年6月4日 · The Indigenous People's Technology and Education Center, ITEC (www.itecusa.org) presents the Maverick Sport - "the flying car that does!"Music: "Radiate" by ...
Home • ITEC + EATS 2025
For more than 10 years, ITEC has served as IEEE’s premier conference on transportation electrification, fostering connections between industry and academia. This year’s conference will be held from June 18-20, 2025 , at the Anaheim Marriott , located in Anaheim, California and within walking distance of Disneyland!
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I-tec's Maverick flying car - Australian Flying
Orlando-based company I-tec recently received ASTM approval in the US to operate their ‘Maverick’ flying car under the Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA) category. Under development for the last six years, I-tec’s Maverick looks like the bastard child of a dune buggy and a powered parachute but as this video shows it sure looks like a ...
ITEC - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ITEC可以指: 國際渦輪引擎公司(International Turbine Engine Company),由美國霍尼韦尔與臺灣漢翔航空合資的公司; 万国卡车发动机公司(International Truck and Engine Corporation),納威司達(Navistar)重車集團旗下公司
Itec Maverick Flying Car | NextBigFuture.com
2010年8月3日 · Its 140 hp, fuel-injected, 16-valve Subaru EJ22 engine sends it from 0 to 60mph in 3.9 seconds, it has a top speed of 90 mph (145 km/h), and the whole rig weighs less than 1,000 pounds (454 kg). When it’s time to fly, the Maverick’s central telescopic mast raises and acts as a wing spar for its chute, properly known as a ram-air wing.