ASG Superconductors ITER TFC
The ITER project is aimed at the construction of a nuclear fusion test-plant, a tokamak, dedicated to the investigation of scientific principles and the technologies that will allow to exploit nuclear fusion as the world’s primary source of energy.
ASG Superconductors index
ITER is the world's largest demonstration fusion reactor, that will be built to illustrate nuclear power's potential as a virtually limitless source of safe and environmentally sustainable energy.
ASG Superconductors ITER, the machine that will light up a …
2020年7月29日 · Iter is an important step towards the energy of the future, to which we are contributing working on Toroidal Field Coils and Poloidal Field Coils. It will lead in the future to the construction of new plants, capable of producing clean and safe energy, avoiding CO2 emissions.
西门子医疗携手ASG!10.5T磁共振将落地中国 - 腾讯网
2023年1月19日 · iter计划是目前世界上仅次于国际空间站的又一个国际大科学工程计划,又被称作“人造太阳”计划,采用类似太阳发光发热的原理,让氘和氚在超 ...
12 minutes to understand TF coil manufacturing - ITER
2013年3月4日 · In the videos, experts from the ASG consortium* and Europe speak of the technical challenges, the specialized tooling, and the qualification work underway. *ASG consortium: Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción SAU, …
ITER 其聚变能源项目中最复杂磁体系统完成 - readbuf.com
2024年7月3日 · ITER 的 1500 万安培的等离子体电流将远远超过当前或以前的托卡马克所能达到的水平。 在欧洲制造了十个线圈,由 ITER 的欧洲国内机构 Fusion for Energy (F4E) 监督。由日本国家量子科学技术研究所(QST)下属的 ITER 日本管理的八个线圈及一个备用线圈也已完成。
Sea Alp Engineering
Sea Alp Engineering Consortium members have a consolidated experience in engineering, manufacturing and supply of equipment in the field of High Energy Physics research projects such as HERA, NET/ITER, LEP, LHC ...
Component transport - ITER
Manufactured in Italy by two consortiums—ASG (ASG Superconductors, Iberdrola, et Elytt Energy) and SIMIC/CNIM—the 330-tonne coil will travel to ITER in January. Japan's TF15 magnet coil reaches France
Europe’s final ITER Toroidal Field coil heading to ITER
2023年11月27日 · As the heavy doors of the SIMIC factory in Marghera are slowly opening, the track carrying Europe’s last Toroidal Field (TF) coil is ready to make its way to the port. It’s the final journey, full of symbolism, for F4E’s multi-million contract providing these complex superconducting magnets.
东芝为 ITER完成初始环形磁场线圈 - cnnpn.cn
2021年6月9日 · 日本东芝能源系统与解决方案公司 (Toshiba ESS) 今天宣布,它已经完成了向国际热核实验反应堆 (ITER) 项目供应的四个环形磁场线圈中的第一个的制造。 ITER 的 18 个环形磁场线圈中有 9 个在欧洲制造,另外 9 个在日本制造。
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