ITK-SNAP is a free, open-source, multi-platform software application used to segment structures in 3D and 4D biomedical images. It was originally developed at the University of North …
ITK-SNAP Version 4.x Downloads
ITK-SNAP Nightly Builds (latest and greatest) The files below are the latest nightly builds of the code in the ITK-SNAP master branch. Some features may not work properly.
ITK-SNAP Version 3.x Downloads
This latest version of ITK-SNAP provides powerful new features for working with multiple scans of the same subject, including registration. It also provides tools for interpolating segmentations …
SNAP Tutorial and User's Manual
Tutorial: Getting Started with ITK-SnAP . Welcome to SnAP! This guide will introduce you to the most commonly used features of the software. The tutorial is organized into eight sections, …
ITK-SNAP Tutorial
This section explains the purpose of the SNAP tool, and describes the screen layout. This section is organized as a series of questions and answers about the general capabilities and structure …
ITK-SNAP Documentation: Version 3.x
ITK-SNAP Documentation: Version 3.x. Web-based documentation for the latest version of ITK-SNAP is under development. For new users we recommend viewing the training videos below. …
ITK-SNAP Tutorial
Tutorial: Getting Started with ITK-SnAP . Welcome to SnAP! This guide will introduce you to the most commonly used features of the software. The tutorial is organized into eight sections, …
TutorialSectionInstallation - ITK-SNAP
Section 1. Installing ITK-SNAP. This section of the tutorial will guide you through downloading and installing the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Apple MacOS, Windows, and Linux. It will take 5 …
TutorialSectionManualSegmentation - ITK-SNAP
This section describes how SNAP can be used for manual segmentation. You will learn about working with segmentation labels, painting regions ontwo-dimensional slices of the image, and …
ITK-SNAP Documentation
ITK-SNAP documentation is a work in progress. There is a tutorial that was written in 2004, which remains largely relevant today, but does not include all of the recent features. To learn what …